Judul: Sistem Perdagangan Triple SCreen Menggunakan Amibroker Deskripsi: Sistem Perdagangan jest1081 - 28 Juni 2006 06:17 (GMT) Hi all, hanya ingin berbagi sesuatu yang telah saya pelajari (tidak sepenuhnya oleh saya kontribusi dari sesama pedagang di amibroker juga) . Saya telah mencoba dan menguji, dan berpikir itu bekerja sangat erat dengan sistem yang telah diajarkan. Akhir hari harus ingat, sistem wun membawa uang, tidak mencari holy grail. Jadilah trader yang disiplin. HANYA UNTUK DIGUNAKAN DI BIAYA AMIBROKER TA MINGGU DENGAN SISTEM BULANAN MONTHLY Chart Mingguan Bagan SECTIONBEGIN (quotWeekly Graphquot) SetChartOptions (0, chartShowArrows124chartShowDates) Parameter yang ditentukan pengguna untuk periode EMA EMAType Param (quotEMA-1, TEMA-2, JMA-3quot, 2 , 1, 3, 1) Parameter EMAprds (quotEMAperiodsquot, 7, 1, 30, 1) StdMACD Param (quotStandard MACD No-0, Yes-1quot, 1, 0, 1, 1) Plotfashion Param (quotBarArrows-1, Bar Impulse -2quot, 2, 1, 2, 1) Izinkan pengguna untuk menentukan Lokasi Pita Mingguan dan Bulanan dan Tinggi WRP1 Param (quotWeekly Ribbon Locationquot, -10.5, -1000, 1000, 0.1) WRP2 Param (quotWeekly Ribbon Heightquot, 366.5, -0.001 Parameter MRP1 (quotMonthly Ribbon Locationquot, 5.2, -1000, 1000, 0,1) Parameter MRP2 (quotMonthly Ribbon Heightquot, 199, -0.001, 500, 0,1) TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) Hitung Haidogram EMA dan MACD jika (EMAType 1 ) DayEMA EMA (Tutup, EMAprds) jika (EMAType 2) DayEMA TEMA (Tutup, EMAprds) jika (EMAType 3) Baris di bawah ini untuk digunakan dengan Jurik JMA Day MACDval MACD (12, 26) Sinyal Signalval (12, 26, 9) Histogram MACDval - Signalval Determine (MAC, MACDval MACD, Sinyal Signalval), Signalval Signalval (1, 8, 5) Jika kita memiliki Hutang Impulse, BAWAH atau TIDAK DAPAT DITIMBULKAN Hari Ini (DayEMA, -1) DAN Histogram gt Ref (Histogram, -1) Hari ImpulseDari Hari Ini (DayEMA, -1) DAN Histogram lt Ref (Histogram, -1) ImpulseNone (NOT ImpulseUP) AND (NOT ImpulseDown) whrising DayEMA gt Ref (DayEMA, -1) DAN Histogram gt Ref (Histogram, -1) whauseing DayEMA lt Ref (DayEMA, -1) DAN Histogram lt Ref (Histogram, -1) TimeFrameRestore () Sekarang dapatkan Histogram MACD Bulanan. TimeFrameSet (inMonthly) MACDval MACD (5, 8) Signalval Signalval (5, 8, 5) Histinm MACDval - Signalval mhrising Histinm gt Ref (Histinm, -1) mhfalling Histinm l Ref (Histinm, -1) whisting TimeFrameExpand (whrising, inWeekly , Expandwast) whfalling TimeFrameExpand (whoppinging, inWeekly, expandLast) mhrising TimeFrameExpand (mhrising, inMonthly, expandLast) mhfalling TimeFrameExpand (mhfalling, inMonthly, expandLast) kol IIf (whrising, colorBrightGreen, IIf (whfalling, colorRed, colorLightGrey)) mkol IIf (mhrising , ColorBlue, IIf (mhfalling, colorYellow, colorLightGrey)) TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) Plot semuanya all33 if (Plotfashion 1) Plot (Close, quotClosequot, colorTeal, styleBar) PlotShapes (shapeUpArrow ImpulseUp, colorBrightGreen, 0, Low, -12) PlotShapes ShapeDownArrow ImpulseDown, colorRed, 0, High, -12) PlotShapes (bentukSmallCircle ImpulseNone, colorWhite, 0, High, 5) else barkol IIf (impulseUP, colorBrightGreen, IIf (impulseDown, colorRed, colorCustom11)) Plot (C, quotClosequot, barko Tren mingguan, GREING RISING, RED FALLING, WHITE NEUTRAL Plot (10, quotMonthly Ribbonquot, mkol, styleOwnScale124styleArea124styleNoLabel, MRP1, MRP2) Trend Bulanan BLUE RISING, YELLOW, LAYAR, LENGKAP, KUNING FALLING, WHITE NEUTRAL TimeFrameRestore () SECTIONBEGIN (quotEMA1quot) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot, -1) Parameter Periode (quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 200, 1, 10) Plot (EMA (P, Periods), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor ( QuotColorquot, colorCycle), ParamStyle (quotStylequot)) SECTIONEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotZIG - Zigquot) TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot) mengubah Param (quot changequot, 5,0.1,25,0.1) Plot (Zig (P, change ), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorCycle), ParamStyle (quotStylequot)) TimeFrameRestore () BAGIANEND () Mingguan MACD Histogran SECTIONBEGIN (quotWeekly MACDquot) TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) MACDw MACD (12, 26) - Sinyal (12, 26, 9) MACDwLINE MACD (12, 26 ) MACDwSignal Signal (12, 26, 9) Warna IIf (Ref (MACDw, -1) gtMACDw, colorRed, colorBrightGreen) TimeFrameRestore () Plot (MACDw, quotMACD Weeklyquot, Color, styleHistogram 124 styleThick) Plot (MACDwLINE, quotMACD Weekly Linequot, ColorRed, styleLine) Plot (MACDwSignal, quotMACD Mingguan Sinyal Linequot, colorBrightGreen, styleLine) BAGIANEND () WEEKLY FORCE INDEX 13 hari MA SECTIONBEGIN (quotForce Index2quot) Periode TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) Param (quotPeriodsquot, 13, 1, 100, 1) FI EMA ( V (), titik) FIkol IIf (fi lt 0, colorRed, colorBrightGreen) Plot (Tutup, quotClosequot, colorRed, 2) Plot (FI, quotForce Indexquot, FIkol, styleLine124styleThick) Plot (0, quotquot, colorViolet, styleLine 124 styleThick 124 styleNoLabel) Nama Judul () EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot - Indeks Force - quot WriteVal (menstruasi, 1) quot hari, quot EncodeColor (colorRed) quot Tutup quot EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot quot WriteVal (Close) quot, quot EncodeColor (colorBlue) quotForce Index quot E NcodeColor (colorWhite) WriteVal (FI, 1.2) TimeFrameRestore () BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotVolumequot) TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) Plot (Volume, DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorBlueGrey), ParamStyle (quotStylequot, styleHistogram 124 styleOwnScale 124 styleThick, maskHistogram ), 2) TimeFrameRestore () BAGIANEND () CHART HARIAN DENGAN SISTEM IMPULSE MINGGU Parameter yang ditentukan pengguna untuk periode EMA EMAType Param (kuota-1, TEMA-2, JMA-3quot, 2, 1, 3, 1) EMAprds Param (quotEMAperiodsquot , 1, 30, 1) Parameter stdMACD (quotStandard MACD No-0, Yes-1quot, 1, 0, 1, 1) Plotfashion Param (quotBarArrows-1, Impulse Bars-2quot, 2, 1, 2, 1) Izinkan pengguna untuk menentukan Mingguan dan Rata-rata Lokasi Pita dan Tinggi WRP1 Param (quotWeekly Ribbon Locationquot, 5.2, -1000, 1000, 0.1) WRP2 Param (quotWeekly Ribbon Heightquot, 199, -0.001, 500, 0,1) Parameter MRP1 (Pound Ribbon Locationquot, 5.2, -1000, 1000, 0,1) Parameter MRP2 (Ribet Puluh Dua Pulsa, 199, -0.001, 500, 0,1) Hitung EMA dan MACD H Istogram if (EMAType 1) DayEMA EMA (Tutup, EMAprds) jika (EMAType 2) DayEMA TEMA (Tutup, EMAprds) jika (EMAType 3) Baris di bawah ini untuk digunakan dengan Jurik JMA DayEMA JurikJMA (C, EMAPrds) Histogram MACD () - Sinyal () Tentukan apakah kita memiliki Dorong ke Atas, BAWAH atau TIDAK DAPAT DITIMBANGKAN DEMETAHAN (DayEMA, -1) DAN Histogram gt Ref (Histogram, -1) ImpulseDown DayEMA lt Ref (DayEMA, -1) DAN Histogram lt Ref (Histogram , -1) ImpulseNone (NOT ImpulseUP) DAN (NOT ImpulseDown) Hitung MACD Mingguan dan tentukan apakah naik atau turun Catatan: gunakan parameter kuotogram standar33 TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) if (StdMACD 0) MACDval MACD (5, 8) Signalval Signal (5 MACDval MACD (12, 26) Signalval Signalval (12, 26, 9) Histinw MACDval - Penumpukan sinyal Histinw gt Ref (Histinw, -1) whoppinging Histinw lt Ref (Histinw, -1) whnone (NOT whrising ) DAN (TIDAK mendengus) Sekarang dapatkan Histogram MACD Bulanan. TimeFrameSet (inMonthly) MACDval MACD (5, 8) Signalval Signalval (5, 8, 5) Histinm MACDval - Signalval mhrising Histinm gt Ref (Histinm, -1) mhfalling Histinm l Ref (Histinm, -1) whisting TimeFrameExpand (whrising, inWeekly , ExpandLast) whfall TimeFrameExpand (whfalling, inWeekly, expandLast) whnone TimeFrameExpand (whnone, inWeekly, expandLast) mhrising TimeFrameExpand (mhrising, inMonthly, expandLast) mhfalling TimeFrameExpand (mhfalling, inMonthly, expandLast) kol IIf (whrising, colorBrightGreen, IIf (whfalling, ColorReal, IIf (whnone, colorCustom11, colorLightGrey))) mkol IIf (mhrising, colorBlue, IIf (mhfalling, colorYellow, colorLightGrey)) Plot mereka all33 if (Plotfashion 1) Plot (Tutup, quotClosequot, colorTeal, styleBar) PlotShapes (shapeUpArrow ImpulseUp , ColorBrightGreen, 0, Low, -12) PlotShapes (shapeDownArrow ImpulseDown, colorRed, 0, High, -12) PlotShapes (bentukSmallCircle ImpulseNone, colorWhite, 0, High, 5) else barkol IIf (impulseUP, colorBrightGreen, IIf (impulseDo Wn, colorRed, colorCustom11)) Plot (C, quotClosequot, barkol, styleBar) Plot (10, quotWeekly Ribbonquot, kol, styleOwnScale124styleArea124styleNoLabel, WRP1, WRP2) Tren mingguan HIJAU RISING, RED FALLING, WHITE NEUTRAL Plot (10, quotMonthly Ribbonquot, mkol , StyleOwnScale124styleArea124styleNoLabel, MRP1, MRP2) Trend Bulanan BLUE RISING, YELLOW FALLING, WHITE NEUTRAL LookBkPd 100 AvgPd 22 ExternalBarPct 15 ConvergePct 2 EMA Tengah (C, AvgPd) Rng HHV (H, LookBkPd) - LLV (L, LookBkPd) X Rng deltaX X2 Lakukan Over H gt Middle X Under L lt Tengah - X OuterPct 100 (Sum (Over, LookBkPd) Sum (Under, LookBkPd)) LookBkPd OP LastValue (OuterPct) XXsign (OP - ExternalBarPct) deltaX deltaX deltaX2 sementara (abs (OP - ExternalBarPct ) Gt ConvergePct) Plot (tengah, quotMAquot, colorYellow, styleLine124styleNoTitle) Plot (MiddleX, quotMAquot, colorSkyblue, styleDashed124styleNoTitle) Plot (Middle-X, quotMAquot, colorSkyblue, styleDashed124styleNoTitle) Explorer Se Ction Tentukan apakah status Impulse bullish, netral atau bearish. Tampilkan sebagai kolom teks. ImpulseState WriteIf (ImpulseUp, quotBulllishquot, WriteIf (ImpulseDown, quotBearishquot, quotNeutralquot)) Tetapkan warna latar untuk Impulse Status Column ImpulseCol IIf (ImpulseUp, colorGreen, IIf (ImpulseDown, colorRed, colorLightGrey)) Tentukan Trend Mingguan. Tampilan sebagai Kolom Teks WeeklyTrend WriteIf (whrising, quotRisingquot, WriteIf (whfalling, quotFallingquot, quotFlat33quot)) WeeklyCol IIf (whrising, colorGreen, IIf (whfalling, colorRed, colorLightGrey)) Tentukan Trend Bulanan. Tampilan sebagai kolom teks MonthlyTrend WriteIf (mhrising, quotRisingquot, WriteIf (mhfalling, quotFallingquot, quotFlat33quot)) MonthlyCol IIf (mhrising, colorGreen, IIf (mhfalling, colorRed, colorLightGrey)) Tentukan berapa banyak bar yang memiliki keadaan saat ini ada bar di bawah Min (BarsSince ( Impulsenone), BarsSince (impulsedown)) barsinbear Min (BarsSince (impulseup), BarsSince (impulsenone)) barsinneut Min (BarsSince (impulsedown), BarsSince (impulseup)) Tetapkan satu variabel untuk menunjukkan jumlah bar dalam keadaan saat ini tergantung pada dorongan sebenarnya Status - Bullish, Bearish atau Neutral barsinstate IIf (ImpulseUp, barsinbull, IIf (Impulsedown, barsinbear, barsinneut)) Kolom untuk display di Explorer AddTextColumn (ImpulseState, quotImpulse Statusquot, 1, colorWhite, ImpulseCol) AddColumn (barsinstate, quotBars di statequot ini, 1, colorWhite, Impulsecol) AddTextColumn (WeeklyTrend, quotWeekly Trendquot, 1, colorWhite, WeeklyCol) AddTextColumn (MonthlyTrend, quotMonthly Trendquot, 1, colorWhite, MonthlyCo L) SECTIONBEGIN (quotZIG - Zigquot) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot) mengubah Param (quot changequot, 5,0.1,25,0.1) Plot (Zig (P, change), DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorCycle), ParamStyle ( QuotStylequot)) BAGIANEND () Mingguan MACD Histogran SECTIONBEGIN (quotWeekly MACDquot) TimeFrameSet (inDaily) MACDw MACD (12, 26) - Sinyal (12, 26, 9) MACDwLINE MACD (12, 26) Sinyal MACDWSignal (12, 26, 9) Warna IIf (Ref (MACDw, -1) gtMACDw, colorRed, colorBrightGreen) TimeFrameRestore () Plot (MACDw, quotMACD Dailyquot, Color, styleHistogram 124 styleThick) Plot (MACDwLINE, quotMACD Daily Linequot, colorRed, styleLine) Plot (MACDwSignal, quotMACD Dail Signal Linequot, colorBrightGreen, styleLine) BAGIANEND () INDEKS DAILY FOREX 2DAY MA periode Param (quotPeriodsquot, 2, 1, 100, 1) FI EMA (((Close - Ref (Close, -1)) V), periode) FIkol IIf (Ukuran 0, colorRed, colorBrightGreen) Plot (Tutup, quotClosequot, colorRed, 2) Plot (FI, quotForce Indexquot, FIkol, styleLine124styleThick) Plot (0, kuotot, ColorViolet, styleLine 124 styleThick 124 styleNoLabel) Nama Judul () EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot - Indeks Force - quot WriteVal (menstruasi, 1) quot hari, quot EncodeColor (colorRed) quot tutup quot EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot quot WriteVal (Close) quot , Quot EncodeColor (colorBlue) quotForce Index quot EncodeColor (colorWhite) WriteVal (FI, 1.2) SECTIONEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotVolumequot) Plot (Volume, DEFAULTNAME (), ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorBlueGrey), ParamStyle (quotStylequot, styleHistogram 124 styleOwnScale 124 styleThick , MaskHistogram), 2) SECTIONEND () H1 Ref (H, -1) L1 Ref (L, -1) T IIf (HltH1 dan LgtL1, 0, IIf (H-H1gtL1-L, H-H1, L1-L) ) Val1 H-H1 Val2 L1-L Val IIf (Val1gtVal2, Val1, Val2) Rata-rata Median (Val, 22) warna IIf (Val lt Avgval, colorBlue, IIf (Val gt Rata-rata dan Val lt Avgval 3, colorViolet, IIf (Val Gt Avgval 3, colorOrange, colorViolet))) Plot (T, DEFAULTNAME (), warna, gayaHistogram 124 styleThick) P ParamField (kuota kuota, -1) Periode Para M (quotPeriodsquot, 22, 2, 200, 1, 10) Plot (EMA (P, Periodik), quotEMA 22quot, colorGreen, styleThick) Buller Harian SECTIONBEGIN (quotBull Power EMAquot) Bull Power Viewback Param (quotEMA Lookbackquot, 13) BullPower High - EMA (Close, Lookback) Plot (BullPower, quotquot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorCustom11), styleHistogram) Nama Judul () quot quot Date () quot Bull Powerquot WriteVal (lihat balik, 3.0) quot Hari: quot WriteVal (BullPower, 5.3) GraphXSpace 5 SECTIONEND () BearPower Harian SECTIONBEGIN (quotBear Power EMAquot) Bear Power Viewback Param (quotEMA Lookbackquot, 13) BearPower Low - EMA (Tutup, Lihat balik) Plot (BearPower, quotquot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorRed), styleHistogram) Nama Judul ) Quot quot Date () quot Bear Powerquot WriteVal (lihat balik, 3.0) quot Hari: quot WriteVal (BearPower, 5.3) GraphXSpace 5 SECTIONEND () ELDER TRIPLE SCREEN SCAN Sistem Operasi Layar Tiga Penatua. Dikodekan oleh Dennis Skoblar 7052005. Berasal dari quotTrading For A Livingquot dan quotCome Ke My Trading Roomquot oleh Alexander Elder. Pemindaian ini menemukan kandidat oleh kemiringan Weekly MACD Historgam, dan Daily 2 Period Force Index mencelup di atas atau di bawah Zero Line. Plot Mingguan 26 Periode EMA untuk membantu mengkonfirmasi arah mingguan. Ini harus meningkat seiring dengan uptick pada Histogram MACD Mingguan untuk bertahan lama. Namun, Elder menulis bahwa perbedaan dalam MACD Histogram menimpa EMA. Indeks Gaya Periode 2 Harian akan berada di bawah Zero Line. Carilah saham untuk mundur ke sekitar Harian 13 Periode EMA. Juga gunakan Harian 22 Periode EMA untuk mengkonfirmasi arah tren harian. Lakukan sebaliknya untuk celana pendek. Gunakan LongShort EMA Weekly Direction Tabs sebagai filter untuk memilah-milah pemindaian untuk hanya menampilkan EMA Mingguan yang masuk ke arah perdagangan yang dimaksud. Gunakan LongShort Elder Ray Tabs (BullPower DAN BearPower) untuk menyempurnakan sinyal masuk. Tab ini paling baik digunakan saat sepakat dengan LongShort EMA Weekly Direction Tabs. Periode 50 EMA gt 100000 digunakan untuk Filter Volume. Minimal 5 point run dalam satu bulan digunakan sebagai Filter untuk rentang stock39. Pemindaian ini paling baik digunakan sebagai Eksplorasi. TimeFrameSet (inWeekly) WeeklyMACD MACD (12,26) - Sinyal (12,26,9) WeekHistRising Ref (WeeklyMACD, -1) lt Ref (WeeklyMACD, 0) WeekHistFalling Ref (WeeklyMACD, -1) gt Ref (WeeklyMACD, 0) FIWeekly EMA (V (C-Ref, C, -1)), 13) WeeklyForceIndexLong FIWeekly gt 0 WeeklyForceIndexShort FIWeekly lt 0 TimeFrameRestore () Kriteria mingguan MACDLongW WeekHistRising MACDShortW WeekHistFalling FILMW WeeklyForceIndexLong FIShortW WeeklyForceIndexShort Kriteria harian FIDaily EMA (V (C-Ref) C, -1)), 2) FILIF FIDaily lt 0 FIShortD FIDaily gt 0 VFilter EMA (V, 50) gt 100000 TenTwentyFilter HHV (H, 20) - LLV (L, 20) Berapa harga yang telah terjadi dalam satu bulan (gt10 Poin yang lebih baik) putaran FiftyDayHVFilter (StDev (log (CRef (C, -1)), 50) 100sqrt (256)) Volatilitas satu tahun (gt40 lebih baik) kekuatan banteng Tinggi - EMA (Tutup, 13) daya rendah - EMA (Tutup, 13 ) Scan kriteria ElderLong MACDLongW DAN FILTRD DAN FILKW ElderShort MACDShortW DAN FIShortD DAN FIShortW Kolom untuk eksplorasi Column0 FullName () Column0Name quotTick Er namequot Column1 quot quot Kolom1Nama quot quot Kolom2 ElderLong Kolom2Nama quotLongquot Kolom3 ElderLong DAN EMA (C, 130) gt Ref (EMA (C, 130), - 5) Kolom3Nama quotLong EMA Weekly Directionquot Kolom4 Kolom3 DAN (tahan lt 0 dan bullpower gt 0 ) Kolom4Nama quotLong Elder Ray Filterquot Column5 quot quot Kolom5Nama quot quot Kolom6 ElderShort Column6Nama quotShortquot Kolom7 ElderShort AND EMA (C, 130) lt Ref (EMA (C, 130), - 5) Kolom7Nama quotShort EMA Weekly Directionquot Kolom8 Kolom7 DAN (beruang lt 0 Dan bullpower gt 0) Kolom8Nama quotShort Elder Ray Filterquot Column9 quot quot Kolom9Nama quot quot Kolom10 TenTwentyFilter Kolom10Nama quotOne Bulan Titik Rangequot Kolom11 Kolom FiftyDVHilter11Nama quotHistoris Volatilitas 50 Dayquot AddTextColumn (IndustryID (1), quotIndustryquot) AddTextColumn (MarketID (1), quotMarketquot) Filter Filter VFilter AND (ElderLong ATAU ElderShort) Beli ElderLong Jual 0 Penatua PendekShort Cover 0 Hc - 29 Juni 200 6 12:38 AM (GMT) Terima kasih telah membagikan kodenya. BTW, apakah Anda pernah menggunakan Metastock sebelum Bagaimana Amibroker dibandingkan dengan Metastock Hope untuk melihat komentar Anda di Amibroker. Jest1081 - 29 Juni 2006 02:54 PM (GMT) Tidak, saya tidak memiliki pengalaman dengan metastock. Amibroker memberikan. Pada dasarnya, Anda perlu tahu sedikit coding untuk membuat sistem trading dasar. Saya sangat menyukai grafik. Tidak begitu renyah Anda dapat mengambil alook di blogsite saya berisi beberapa gambar, klik Satu hal yang pasti adalah semakin lama saya berdagang, semakin banyak kepuasan yang ingin saya dapatkan darinya, grafiknya berfungsi dengan baik namun tidak memiliki kedalaman, jika Anda tahu apa yang saya maksud, hanya saja Tidak akan memberikan Anda 39 Kemudian lagi saya mungkin masih menempel pada amibroker ketika saya pergi real time pada futures dan indeks. Forum Gratis. Layanan yang dapat diandalkan dengan pengalaman lebih dari 8 tahun. PERDAGANGAN TRADING SYSTEM AFL GRATIS Saya membuat skrip AFL ini ((C-MA (C, nol)) MA (C, nol)) 100 Graph0sk Graph0BarColorIIf (skgt0,5,4) SECTIONBEGIN (quotemaquot ) Lk EMA (Tutup, 22) Plot (lk, quot quot, colorBrightGreen, styleDots) GfxSelectFont (quottohomaboldquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) 16) GfxSetTextAlign (6) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (10,250,250)) GfxSetBkMode (0) GfxTextOut (Nama (), Status (quotpxheququot) 10) cxParam (quotcxposnquot, 1085,0,1200,1) cyParam (quotcyposnquot, 16,0,1000,1) GfxSetBkColor (ColorRGB (200,50,100)) GfxSelectFont (quottohomaboldquot, 20 , 98, False) GfxSetTextColor (colorYellow) GfxSetTextColor (ColorHSB (100, 10, 400)) GfxTextOut (quotLTP. QuotCquot quot, cx, cy) DDayO WaktuFrameGetPrice (quotOquot, inDaily) Waktu DHiDayFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, inDaily) DLODay TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, InDaily) gfr TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, inDaily, -1) tutup Judul EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot AR TRADING SYSTEM quotEncodeColor (C OlorRGB (220,10,150)) quot quot Interval (2) quot tanggal () EncodeColor (ColorRGB (200,150,120)) quot n Buka quot O quot, High. Quot H quot, Rendah. Quot L EncodeColor (colorGreen) klik Prevvious Day Close. Quot EncodeColor (colorGreen) gfr EncodeColor (colorYellow) quotn ToDay Open. Quot DDayO quot Tinggi. Quot DHiDay quot Rendah. (2), (1), colorBrightGreen, colorDarkRed (2), warna (1), warnaBrightGreen, colorDarkRed (2), warna (1), warnaBrightGreen, colorDarkRed ) HaLow Min (L, Min (HaClose, HaOpen)) HaOow Max (Ha, Max), HaOow Max (Ha, HaOpen)) HaLow Min (L, Min (HaClose, HaOpen)) PlotOHLC (HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, quotquot. Colcci, styleCandle styleNoLabel) BKswitch ParamToggle (quotBackground Colorquot, quotOn, Offquot) OUTcolor ParamColor (quotOuter Panel Colorquot, colorBlack) INUPcolor ParamColor (panel Panel Masuk Upperquot, colorGrey40) INDNcolor ParamColor (panel Panel Masuk Lowerquot, colorBlack) TitleColor ParamColor (quotTitle Color quot, colorBlack) jika (NOT BKswitch) Warna SetChartBkColor (OUTcolor) dari border luar SetChartBkGradientFill (INUPcolor, INDNcolor, TitleCo lor) warna panel dalam SECTIONEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotquot) SetBarsRequired (100000, 0) GraphXSpace 15 ea EMA (C, 10) eb EMA (C, 20) SetBarFillColor (IIf (ea gt eb, colorGreen, colorRed)) Beli e Sebuah gt eb AND TimeNum () gt 092000 DAN TimeNum () lt 150000 Jual eb gt ea ATAU TimeNum () gt 150000 Short 0 Cover 0 Beli ExRem (Beli, Jual) ExRem Beli (Buy, Buy) Short ExRem (Short, Cover) Cover ExRem (Cover, Short) FactorParam (quotFactorquot, 4,1,10,1) PdParam (quotatR Periodsquot, 10,1,100,1) Naik (HL) 2 (FactorATR (Pd)) Dn (HL) 2- (FactorATR Pd)) iATRATR (Pd) TrendUpTrendDownNull trend01 changeOfTrend0 flagflagh0 untuk (i 1 i ltBarCount i) TrendUpi Null TrendDowni Null if (CloseigtUpi-1) trendi1 jika (trendi-1 -1) changeOfTrend 1 else if (CloseiltDni-1) trendi-1 Jika (trendi-1 1) changeOfTrend 1 else if (trendi-11) trendi1 changeOfTrend 0 else if (trendi-1-1) trendi-1 changeOfTrend 0 Buy trend1 Selltrend-1 BuyExRem (Beli, Jual) SellExRem (Jual, Beli) ShortSell CoverBuy BuyPriceValueWhen (Buy, C) SellPriceValueWhen (Sell, C) ShortPriceValueWhen (Short, C) CoverPriceValueWhen (Cover, C) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorLime, 0, L, Offset-50) PlotShapes (IIf (Pendek, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset-45) PlotShapes (IIf (Pendek, bentukDownArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, H, Offset-45) untuk (iBarCount-1igt1i--) jika (Buyi 1 ) Entri Ci sig quotBUYquot sl TrendSLi tar1 entri (masuk .0050) tar2 entry (entry .0092) tar3 entry (entry .0179) bars ii 0 if (Selli 1) sig quotSELLquot entry Ci sl TrendSLi tar1 entry - (entri .0050) Tar2 entry - (entry .0112) tar3 entry - (entry .0212) bars ii 0 Offset 20 Clr IIf (sig quotBUYquot, colorLime, colorRed) ssl IIf (bar BarCount-1, TrendSLBarCount-1, Ref (TrendSL, -1) ) Sl sslBarCount-1 Plot (LineArray (bar-Offset, tar1, BarCount, tar1,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot (LineArray (bar-Offset, tar2, BarCount, tar2,1) , Quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot (Baris-Array), quotquot, colorDarkRed, Line, Array (bar-Offset, sl, BarCount, sl, 1), kuotot, warnaDarkRed, StyleLinestyleLine, Null, Null, Offset) Plot (LineArray (bar-Offset, entri, BarCount, entry, 1), quotquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleLine, Null, Null, Offset) untuk (ibars i ltBarCounti) PlotText (quotquotsigquotquotentry, BarCount1, entry , Null, colorBlue) PlotText (quotT1quottar1, BarCount3, tar1, Null, Clr) Teks PlotTeksquottar2, Barcode, tar2, Null, Clr) 1) if (messageboard 1) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, 13, 100) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSetTextColor (colorWhite) jika (sig quotBUYquot) GfxSelectSolidBrush (colorGreen) ini adalah warna latar belakang kotak yang lain GfxSelectSolidBrush (colorRed) ini adalah kotak warna latar belakang pxHeight Status (quotpxchartheightquot) xx Status (quotpxchartwidthquot) Lef T 1100 lebar 310 x 5 x2 290 GfxSelectPen (warnaWhite, 4) warna yang lebih luas GfxRoundRect (x, y - 165, x2, y. 160, 90) GfxTextOut ((quotLast quot sig quot Sinyal tanda kutip (BarCount-bars-1) 160, y-160) GfxTextOut ((quot quot quot tanda kutip tunggal) Interval () 60 menit yang laluquot), 148, y-140) Format teks lokasi GfxTextOut ((quotquot WriteIf (sig quotBUYquot, sig quot quot, sig quot quot quot quot quot entry), 130, y-120) GfxTextOut ( (QuotccOP LOSS. Quot sl quot (quot WriteVal (IIf (sig quotSELLquot, entry-sl, sl-entry), 2.2) quot) quot), 130, y-100) GfxTextOut ((quotTGT: 1. quot tar1), 130 , Y -80) GfxTextOut ((quotTGT: 2. quot tar2), 130, y-60) GfxTextOut ((quotTGT: 3. quot tar3), 130, y-40) GfxTextOut ((quotCurrent PL. Quot WriteVal (IIf ( Sig quotBUYquot, (C-entry), (entry-C)), 2.2)), 130, y-22) Beli ExRem (Beli, Jual) Jual ExRem (Jual, Beli) bentuk Buy shapeUpArrow Sell formDownArrow PlotShapes (IIf (Buy , ShapeSquare, shapeNone), colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorLime, 0, L, Offset-50) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, sha PeUpArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset-45) PlotShapes (IIf (Jual, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes (IIf (Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorOrange, 0, H , Offset50) PlotShapes (IIf (Beli, bentukDownArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, H, Offset-45) PlotShapes (bentuk, IIf (Buy, colorGreen, colorRed), 0, IIf (Beli, Rendah, Tinggi) dist 2.5 ATR (5) untuk (i 0 i lt BarCount i) if (Buyi) PlotText (quotBuynquot Closei, i, Lowi - disti, colorWhite) if (Selli) PlotText (quotsellnquot Closei, i, Lowi disti, colorWhite) SECTIONBEGIN (quotemaquot) P ParamField (quotFypequot) Tipe ParamList (quotTypequot, quotWeightight, Simple, Exponential, Double Exponential, Tripple Exponential, Wildersquot) Periode89 Param (quotPeriods180quot, 180, 2, 300) Displacement2 Param (quotDisplacement2quot, 2, -50, 50) Plot (EMA (P, Periode89), DEFAULTNAME (), colorWhite, styleDots, 0, 0, Displacement2) BAGIANEND () rjlCross (Lk, tar1) golCross (tar1, Lk) PlotShapes (shapeHollowStarrjl, colorAqua, 0, H, - 20) PlotShapes (shapeHollowStargol, colorViolet, 0, L, 20) BAGIANEND () untuk (i 0 i lt BarCount i) if (bvei) PlotText (quotABnquot. I, L i - disti, colorWhite, colorDarkBlue) if (rfwi) PlotText (quotASnquot i, H i disti, colorWhite, colorRed) SECTIONBEGIN (quotdayquot) TimeFrameSet (inDaily) beralih sekarang ke daylight TimeFrameRestore () mengembalikan kerangka waktu ke Plot asli (TimeFrameExpand (Oo, inDaily), quotquot, colorYellow, 10304 styleNoLabel) cx Param (quotcxposnquot, 476,0,1200,1) cy Param (quotcyposnquot, 500,0,1000,10) GfxSelectFont (quot Arial quot, 14, 98 , False) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (10,250,250)) GfxTextOut (quotVolume. Quot Volume quotquot, cx 20, cy 50) Fungsi SECTIONBEGIN (quottomquot) GetSecondNum () Waktu Sekarang (4) Detik detik (Waktu 100) Menit int (Waktu 100 100) Hours int (Time 10000 100) SecondNum int (Jam 60 60 Menit 60 Detik detik) kembali SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh (1) TimeFrame Interval () SecNumber GetSecondNum () Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int (SecNumber TimeFrame) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft xParam ( Quotxposnquot, 99,0,1000,1) yP Aram (quotyposnquot, 40,0,1000,1) GfxRoundRect (x615, y530, x738, y499, 0,0) GfxSelectSolidBrush (ColorRGB (230, 230, 230)) GfxSelectPen (ColorRGB (203, 25, 23), 3) Jika (NewPeriod) GfxSelectSolidBrush (colorYellow) GfxSelectPen (colorYellow, 2) Katakanlah (quotNew periodquot) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSelectFont (quotArialquot, 13, 800, False) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (220,10,150)) GfxTextOut (quotTimeleftquotquot. (GXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) GfxXextrex (GFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Pertanyaan dan saran GfxTextGolor (ColorSetStr) , Y-25) SECTIONBEGIN (quotRibbonquot) uptrendPDI () gtMDI () DAN Sinyal () ltMACD () downtrendMDI () gtPDI () DAN Sinyal () gtMACD () Plot (1, tinggi tinggi pita dalam persen lebar pane Quotribbonquot, IIf (uptrend, colorLime, IIf (downtrend, colorRed, IIf (Sinyal () ltMACD (), colorLightGrey, colorLightGrey))), pilih color styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -.05,50) BAGIANEND () Yang ini bekerja 100 jika tidak maka Gulir ke atas dan clcik pada tombol download Last edited by SuperSaiyan 2 Maret 2014 at 09:46 PM. Re: AR TRADING SYSTEM AFL FREE i make this AFL SuperSaiyan SuperSaiyan sedang online sekarang Anggota Join Date: Mar 2006 Posting: 115 Terima kasih: 6 mengucapkan terima kasih 101 kali di 53 Posting SuperSaiyan akan menjadi terkenal cukup cepatSuperSaiyan akan segera terkenal Default Re: AR TRADING SYSTEM AFL FREE saya membuat AFL ini Quote: tidak ada zona perdagangan yang hilang bisa ada yang memberi kode Versi kerja AFL Download LINK ARTrading. afl - 11 KB Clck tombol di atas untuk mendownload Together we stand strong sk ((C-MA (C, Nol)) MA (C, nol)) 100 Graph0sk Graph0BarColorIIf (skgt0,5,4) SECTIONBEGIN (quotemaquot) Lk EMA (Tutup, 22) Plot (lk, quot quot, colorBrightGreen, styleDots) GfxSelectFont (quottohomaboldquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) 16) GfxSetTextAlign (6) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (10,250,250)) GfxSetBkMode (0) GfxTextOut (Nama (), Status (quotpxwidthquot) 2, Status (quotpxheightquot) 10) cxParam (quotcxposnquot, 1085,0,1200,1) cyParam (quotcyposnquot , 16,0,1000,1) GfxSetBkColor (ColorRGB (200,50,100)) GfxSelectFont (quottohomaboldquot, 20,98, Salah) GfxSetTextColor (colorYellow) GfxSetTextColor (ColorHSB (100, 10, 400)) GfxTextOut (quotLTP. QuotCquot quot, cx, cy) DDayO TimeFrameGetPrice (quotOquot, inDaily) DHiDay TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, inDaily) DLODay TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, inDaily) gfr TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, inDaily, -1) tutup Judul EncodeColor (colorWhite) quot AR TRADING SYSTEM quotEncodeColor ( ColorRGB (220,10,150)) quot quot Interval (2) quot quot Tanggal () EncodeColor (ColorRGB (200,150,120)) quot n Buka quot O quot, High. Quot H quot, Rendah. Quot L EncodeColor (colorGreen) klik Prevvious Day Close. Quot EncodeColor (colorGreen) gfr EncodeColor (colorYellow) quotn ToDay Open. Quot DDayO quot Tinggi. Quot DHiDay quot Rendah. (2), (1), colorBrightGreen, colorDarkRed (2), warna (1), warnaBrightGreen, colorDarkRed (2), warna (1), warnaBrightGreen, colorDarkRed ) HaLow Min (L, Min (HaClose, HaOpen)) HaOow Max (Ha, Max), HaOow Max (Ha, HaOpen)) HaLow Min (L, Min (HaClose, HaOpen)) PlotOHLC (HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, quotquot. Colcci, styleCandle styleNoLabel) BKswitch ParamToggle (quotBackground Colorquot, quotOn, Offquot) OUTcolor ParamColor (quotOuter Panel Colorquot, colorBlack) INUPcolor ParamColor (panel Panel Masuk Upperquot, colorGrey40) INDNcolor ParamColor (panel Panel Masuk Lowerquot, colorBlack) TitleColor ParamColor (quotTitle Color quot, colorBlack) jika (NOT BKswitch) Warna SetChartBkColor (OUTcolor) dari border luar SetChartBkGradientFill (INUPcolor, INDNcolor, TitleCo lor) warna panel dalam SECTIONEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotquot) SetBarsRequired (100000, 0) GraphXSpace 15 ea EMA (C, 10) eb EMA (C, 20) SetBarFillColor (IIf (ea gt eb, colorGreen, colorRed)) Beli e Sebuah gt eb AND TimeNum () gt 092000 DAN TimeNum () lt 150000 Jual eb gt ea ATAU TimeNum () gt 150000 Short 0 Cover 0 Beli ExRem (Beli, Jual) ExRem Beli (Buy, Buy) Short ExRem (Short, Cover) Cover ExRem (Cover, Short) FactorParam (quotFactorquot, 4,1,10,1) PdParam (quotatR Periodsquot, 10,1,100,1) Naik (HL) 2 (FactorATR (Pd)) Dn (HL) 2- (FactorATR Pd)) iATRATR (Pd) TrendUpTrendDownNull trend01 changeOfTrend0 flagflagh0 untuk (i 1 i ltBarCount i) TrendUpi Null TrendDowni Null if (CloseigtUpi-1) trendi1 jika (trendi-1 -1) changeOfTrend 1 else if (CloseiltDni-1) trendi-1 Jika (trendi-1 1) changeOfTrend 1 else if (trendi-11) trendi1 changeOfTrend 0 else if (trendi-1-1) trendi-1 changeOfTrend 0 Buy trend1 Selltrend-1 BuyExRem (Beli, Jual) SellExRem (Jual, Beli) ShortSell CoverBuy BuyPriceValueWhen(Buy, C) SellPriceValueWhen(Sell, C) ShortPriceValueWhen(Short, C) CoverPriceValueWhen(Cover, C) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes(IIf (Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset-50) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset-45) PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset50) PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset-45) for(iBarCount-1igt1i--) if(Buyi 1) entry Ci sig quotBUYquot sl TrendSLi tar1 entry (entry .0050) tar2 entry (entry .0092) tar3 entry (entry .0179) bars i i 0 if(Selli 1) sig quotSELLquot entry Ci sl TrendSLi tar1 entry - (entry .0050) tar2 entry - (entry .0112) tar3 entry - (entry .0212) bars i i 0 Offset 20 Clr IIf(sig quotBUYquot, colorLime, colorRed) ssl IIf(bars BarCount-1, TrendSLBarCount-1, Ref(TrendSL, -1)) sl sslBarCount-1 Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar1, BarCount, tar1,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar2, BarCount, tar2,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar3, BarCount, tar3,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, sl, BarCount, sl,1), quotquot, colorDarkRed, styleLinestyleLine, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, entry, BarCount, entry,1), quotquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleLine, Null, Null, Offset) for (ibars i ltBarCounti) PlotText(quotquotsigquotquotentry, BarCount1,entry, Null, colorBlue) PlotText(quotT1quottar1,BarCount3,tar1,Null, Clr)Plot Text(quotT2quottar2,BarCount3,tar2,Null, Clr)PlotText (quotT3quottar3,BarCount3,tar3,Null, Clr) messageboard ParamToggle(quotMessage Boardquot, quotShowHidequot,1) if (messageboard 1 ) GfxSelectFont( quotTahomaquot, 13, 100 ) GfxSetBkMode( 1 ) GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ) if ( sig quotBUYquot) GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorGreen ) this is the box background color else GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed ) this is the box background color pxHeight Status( quotpxchartheightquot ) xx Status( quotpxchartwidthquot) Lef t 1100 width 310 x 5 x2 290 GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 4) broader color GfxRoundRect( x, y - 165, x2, y. 160, 90 ) GfxTextOut( ( quot AR TRADING SYSTEM quot),141,y-160) GfxTextOut( (quot quot),130,y-160) GfxTextOut( (quotLast quot sig quot Signal came quot (BarCount-bars-1) Interval()60 quot mins agoquot), 148, y-140) The text format location GfxTextOut( (quotquot WriteIf(sig quotBUYquot, sig quot quot, sig quot quot) quot. quot entry), 130, y-120) GfxTextOut( (quotSTOP LOSS. quot sl quot (quot WriteVal(IIf(sig quotSELLquot, entry-sl, sl-entry), 2.2) quot)quot), 130, y-100) GfxTextOut( (quotTGT:1. quot tar1), 130, y -80) GfxTextOut( (quotTGT:2. quot tar2), 130,y-60) GfxTextOut( (quotTGT:3. quot tar3), 130,y-40) GfxTextOut( (quotCurrent PL . quot WriteVal(IIf(sig quotBUYquot,(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2)), 130, y-22) Buy ExRem(Buy, Sell) Sell ExRem(Sell, Buy) shape Buy shapeUpArrow Sell shapeDownArrow PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset-50) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, sha peUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset-45) PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset50) PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset-45) PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) ) dist 2.5ATR(5) for( i 0 i lt BarCount i ) if( Buyi ) PlotText( quotBuynquot Closei, i, Lowi - disti, colorWhite ) if( Selli ) PlotText( quotsellnquot Closei, i, Lowi disti, colorWhite ) SECTIONBEGIN(quotemaquot) P ParamField(quotFieldquot) Type ParamList(quotTypequot, quotWeighted, Simple, Exponential, Double Exponential, Tripple Exponential, Wildersquot) Periods89 Param(quotPeriods180quot, 180, 2, 300 ) Displacement2 Param(quotDisplacement2quot, 2, -50, 50 ) Plot( EMA( P, Periods89 ), DEFAULTNAME(), colorWhite, styleDots, 0, 0, Displacement2 ) SECTIONEND() rjlCross(Lk, tar1) golCross(tar1,Lk ) PlotShapes(shapeHollowStarrjl, colorAqua,0,H,- 20) PlotShapes(shapeHollowStargol, colorViolet,0,L,20) SECTIONEND() for( i 0 i lt BarCount i ) if( bvei ) PlotText( quotABnquot. i, L i - disti, colorWhite, colorDarkBlue ) if( rfwi ) PlotText( quotASnquot. i, H i disti, colorWhite, colorRed ) SECTIONBEGIN(quotdayquot) TimeFrameSet( inDaily ) switch now to dayily TimeFrameRestore() restore time frame to original Plot( TimeFrameExpand( Oo, inDaily),quotquot, colorYellow,10304 styleNoLabel) cx Param(quotcxposnquot,476,0,1200,1) cy Param(quotcyposnquot, 500,0,1000,10 ) GfxSelectFont( quot Arial quot, 14, 98, False ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxTextOut(quotVolume. quot Volume quotquot, cx 20,cy 50) SECTIONBEGIN(quottomquot) function GetSecondNum() Time Now( 4) Seconds int( Time 100 ) Minutes int( Time 100 100 ) Hours int( Time 10000 100 ) SecondNum int( Hours 60 60 Minutes 60 Seconds ) return SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh( 1 ) TimeFrame Interval() SecNumber GetSecondNum() Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int( SecNumber TimeFrame ) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft xParam(quotxposnquot,99,0,1000,1) yP aram(quotyposnquot,40,0,1000,1) GfxRoundRect( x615, y530, x738, y499, 0,0 ) GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB( 230, 230, 230 ) ) GfxSelectPen( ColorRGB( 203, 25, 23 ), 3 ) if ( NewPeriod ) GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorYellow ) GfxSelectPen( colorYellow, 2 ) Say( quotNew periodquot ) GfxSetBkMode(1) GfxSelectFont( quotArialquot, 13, 800, False ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(220,10,150) ) GfxTextOut( quotTimeleftquotquot. quotNumToStr( SecsToGo, 1.0 ), x674, y507 ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxTextOut( ( quot Develop By quot),1150,y-45) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxTextOut( ( quotFu2 Trading SYSTEM quot),1150,y-25) SECTIONBEGIN(quotRibbonquot) uptrendPDI()gtMDI()AND Signal()ltMACD() downtrendMDI()gtPDI()AND Signal()gtMACD() Plot( 1, efines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width quotribbonquot, IIf( uptrend, colorLime, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, IIf(Signal()ltMACD(), colorLightGrey, colorLightGrey ))), choose color styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -.05,50 ) SECTIONEND() This one works 100 if not then scroll up and clcik on download button Cut your losses quickly, without hesitation. Buy right, sit tight. It was never my thinking that made the big money for me, it always was sitting. Jesse Livermore When it chnages 30 a day There is only one side to market and thats Right side Last edited by SuperSaiyan 2nd March 2014 at 08:46 PM. Sir can you please explain how to use This Ar Trading System for entry amp exit of a trade. ThanksAR TRADING SYSTEM AFL FREE i make this AFL AR TRADING SYSTEM AFL FREE i make this AFL FREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREE FREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREE FREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREE FREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREEFREE FREE sk((C-MA(C, nol))MA(C, nol))100 Graph0sk Graph0BarColorIIf(skgt0,5,4) SECTIONBEGIN(quotemaquot) Lk EMA(Close,22) Plot (lk, quot quot, colorBrightGreen, styleDots) GfxSelectFont(quottohomaboldquot, Status(quotpxheightquot)16) GfxSetTextAlign( 6 ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxSetBkMode(0) GfxTextOut( Name(), Status(quotpxwidthquot)2, Status(quotpxheightquot)10 ) cxParam(quotcxposnquot,1085,0,1200,1) cyParam(quotcyposnquot,16,0,1000,1) GfxSetBkColor(ColorRGB(200,50,100)) GfxSelectFont( quottohomaboldquot,20,98, False) GfxSetTextColor( colorYellow) GfxSetTextColor( C olorHSB( 100, 10, 400) ) GfxTextOut(quotLTP. quotCquot quot, cx, cy ) DDayO TimeFrameGetPrice(quotOquot, inDaily) DHiDay TimeFrameGetPrice(quotHquot, inDaily) DLoDay TimeFrameGetPrice(quotLquot, inDaily) gfr TimeFrameGetPrice(quotCquot, inDaily, -1)close Title EncodeColor(colorWhite)quot AR TRADING SYSTEM quotEncodeColor(ColorRGB(220,10,150)) quot quot Interval(2) quot quot Date() EncodeColor(ColorRGB(200,150,120)) quot n Open quot O quot, High. quot H quot, Low. quot L EncodeColor(colorGreen) quot Prevvious Day Close. quot EncodeColor(colorGreen) gfr EncodeColor(colorYellow) quotn ToDay Open. quot DDayO quot High. quot DHiDay quot Low. quot DLoDay SECTIONEND() Colcci IIf(CCI(8) gt 5, colorBrightGreen, IIf(CCI(8) lt-5,colorRed, IIf(CCI(8) gt Ref(CCI(8),-1),colorBrightGreen, colorDarkRed))) HaClose EMA((OHLLC)5,3) HaOpen AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ) HaHigh Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ) HaLow Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ) PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, quotquot. Colcci, styleCandle styleNoLabel ) BKswitch ParamToggle(quotBackground Colorquot, quotOn, Offquot) OUTcolor ParamColor(quotOuter Panel Colorquot, colorBlack) INUPcolor ParamColor(quotInner Panel Upperquot, colorGrey40) INDNcolor ParamColor(quotInner Panel Lowerquot, colorBlack) TitleColor ParamColor(quotTitle Color quot, colorBlack) if (NOT BKswitch) SetChartBkColor(OUTcolor) color of outer border SetChartBkGradientFill(INUPcolor, INDNcolor, TitleCo lor) color of inner panel SECTIONEND() SECTIONBEGIN(quotquot) SetBarsRequired(100000,0) GraphXSpace 15 ea EMA (C,10) eb EMA (C,20) SetBarFillColor( IIf( ea gt eb, colorGreen, colorRed ) ) Buy e a gt eb AND TimeNum() gt 092000 AND TimeNum() lt 150000 Sell eb gt ea OR TimeNum() gt 150000 Short 0 Cover 0 Buy ExRem(Buy, Sell) Sell ExRem(Sell, Buy) Short ExRem(Short, Cover) Cover ExRem(Cover, Short) FactorParam(quotFactorquot,4,1,10,1) PdParam(quotATR Periodsquot,10,1,100,1) Up(HL)2(FactorATR(Pd)) Dn(HL)2-(FactorATR(Pd)) iATRATR(Pd) TrendUpTrendDownNull trend01 changeOfTrend0 flagflagh0 for (i 1 i ltBarCount i) TrendUpi Null TrendDowni Null if (CloseigtUpi-1) trendi1 if (trendi-1 -1) changeOfTrend 1 else if (CloseiltDni-1) trendi-1 if (trendi-1 1) changeOfTrend 1 else if (trendi-11) trendi1 changeOfTrend 0 else if (trendi-1-1) trendi-1 changeOfTrend 0 Buy trend1 Selltrend-1 BuyExRem(Buy, Sell) SellExRem(Sell, Buy) ShortSell CoverBuy BuyPriceValueWhen(Buy, C) SellPriceValueWhen(Sell, C) ShortPriceValueWhen(Short, C) CoverPriceValueWhen(Cover, C) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset-50) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset-45) PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset50) PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset-45) for(iBarCount-1igt1i--) if(Buyi 1) entry Ci sig quotBUYquot sl TrendSLi tar1 entry (entry .0050) tar2 entry (entry .0092) tar3 entry (entry .0179) bars i i 0 if(Selli 1) sig quotSELLquot entry Ci sl TrendSLi tar1 entry - (entry .0050) tar2 entry - (entry .0112) tar3 entry - (entry .0212) bars i i 0 Offset 20 Clr IIf(sig quotBUYquot, colorLime, colorRed) ssl IIf(bars BarCount-1, TrendSLBarCount-1, Ref(TrendSL, -1)) sl sslBarCount-1 Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar1, BarCount, tar1,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar2, BarCount, tar2,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, tar3, BarCount, tar3,1), quotquot, Clr, styleLinestyleDots, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, sl, BarCount, sl,1), quotquot, colorDarkRed, styleLinestyleLine, Null, Null, Offset) Plot(LineArray(bars-Offset, entry, BarCount, entry,1), quotquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleLine, Null, Null, Offset) for (ibars i ltBarCounti) PlotText(quotquotsigquotquotentry, BarCount1,entry, Null, colorBlue) PlotText(quotT1quottar1,BarCount3,tar1,Null, Clr)Plot Text(quotT2quottar2,BarCount3,tar2,Null, Clr)PlotText (quotT3quottar3,BarCount3,tar3,Null, Clr) messageboard ParamToggle(quotMessage Boardquot, quotShowHidequot,1) if (messageboard 1 ) GfxSelectFont( quotTahomaquot, 13, 100 ) GfxSetBkMode( 1 ) GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite ) if ( sig quotBUYquot) GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorGreen ) this is the box background color else GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed ) this is the box background color pxHeight Status( quotpxchartheightquot ) xx Status( quotpxchartwidthquot) Lef t 1100 width 310 x 5 x2 290 GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 4) broader color GfxRoundRect( x, y - 165, x2, y. 160, 90 ) GfxTextOut( ( quot AR TRADING SYSTEM quot),141,y-160) GfxTextOut( (quot quot),130,y-160) GfxTextOut( (quotLast quot sig quot Signal came quot (BarCount-bars-1) Interval()60 quot mins agoquot), 148, y-140) The text format location GfxTextOut( (quotquot WriteIf(sig quotBUYquot, sig quot quot, sig quot quot) quot. quot entry), 130, y-120) GfxTextOut( (quotSTOP LOSS. quot sl quot (quot WriteVal(IIf(sig quotSELLquot, entry-sl, sl-entry), 2.2) quot)quot), 130, y-100) GfxTextOut( (quotTGT:1. quot tar1), 130, y -80) GfxTextOut( (quotTGT:2. quot tar2), 130,y-60) GfxTextOut( (quotTGT:3. quot tar3), 130,y-40) GfxTextOut( (quotCurrent PL . quot WriteVal(IIf(sig quotBUYquot,(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2)), 130, y-22) Buy ExRem(Buy, Sell) Sell ExRem(Sell, Buy) shape Buy shapeUpArrow Sell shapeDownArrow PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-40) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset-50) PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, sha peUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset-45) PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset40) PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset50) PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset-45) PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) ) dist 2.5ATR(5) for( i 0 i lt BarCount i ) if( Buyi ) PlotText( quotBuynquot Closei, i, Lowi - disti, colorWhite ) if( Selli ) PlotText( quotsellnquot Closei, i, Lowi disti, colorWhite ) SECTIONBEGIN(quotemaquot) P ParamField(quotFieldquot) Type ParamList(quotTypequot, quotWeighted, Simple, Exponential, Double Exponential, Tripple Exponential, Wildersquot) Periods89 Param(quotPeriods180quot, 180, 2, 300 ) Displacement2 Param(quotDisplacement2quot, 2, -50, 50 ) Plot( EMA( P, Periods89 ), DEFAULTNAME(), colorWhite, styleDots, 0, 0, Displacement2 ) SECTIONEND() rjlCross(Lk, tar1) golCross(tar1,Lk ) PlotShapes(shapeHollowStarrjl, colorAqua,0,H,- 20) PlotShapes(shapeHollowStargol, colorViolet,0,L,20) SECTIONEND() for( i 0 i lt BarCount i ) if( bvei ) PlotText( quotABnquot. i, L i - disti, colorWhite, colorDarkBlue ) if( rfwi ) PlotText( quotASnquot. i, H i disti, colorWhite, colorRed ) SECTIONBEGIN(quotdayquot) TimeFrameSet( inDaily ) switch now to dayily TimeFrameRestore() restore time frame to original Plot( TimeFrameExpand( Oo, inDaily),quotquot, colorYellow,10304 styleNoLabel) cx Param(quotcxposnquot,476,0,1200,1) cy Param(quotcyposnquot, 500,0,1000,10 ) GfxSelectFont( quot Arial quot, 14, 98, False ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxTextOut(quotVolume. quot Volume quotquot, cx 20,cy 50) SECTIONBEGIN(quottomquot) function GetSecondNum() Time Now( 4) Seconds int( Time 100 ) Minutes int( Time 100 100 ) Hours int( Time 10000 100 ) SecondNum int( Hours 60 60 Minutes 60 Seconds ) return SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh( 1 ) TimeFrame Interval() SecNumber GetSecondNum() Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int( SecNumber TimeFrame ) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft xParam(quotxposnquot,99,0,1000,1) yP aram(quotyposnquot,40,0,1000,1) GfxRoundRect( x615, y530, x738, y499, 0,0 ) GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB( 230, 230, 230 ) ) GfxSelectPen( ColorRGB( 203, 25, 23 ), 3 ) if ( NewPeriod ) GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorYellow ) GfxSelectPen( colorYellow, 2 ) Say( quotNew periodquot ) GfxSetBkMode(1) GfxSelectFont( quotArialquot, 13, 800, False ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(220,10,150) ) GfxTextOut( quotTimeleftquotquot. quotNumToStr( SecsToGo, 1.0 ), x674, y507 ) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxTextOut( ( quot Develop By quot),1150,y-45) GfxSetTextColor(ColorRGB(10,250,250)) GfxTextOut( ( quotAR Trading SYSTEM quot),1150,y-25) SECTIONBEGIN(quotRibbonquot) uptrendPDI()gtMDI()AND Signal()ltMACD() downtrendMDI()gtPDI()AND Signal()gtMACD() Plot( 1, efines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width quotribbonquot, IIf( uptrend, colorLime, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, IIf(Signal()ltMACD(), colorLightGrey, colorLightGrey ))), choose color styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -.05,50 ) SECTIONEND() Last edited by skumar4545 3rd January 2014 at 11:22 AM. Reason: add img
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