Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Option trading jakarta

Cari tahu bagaimana cara kerjanya sekarang untuk Opsi Verum GRATIS memperingatkan Anda bahwa opsi biner membawa tingkat risiko yang tinggi dan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya semua investasi Anda. Jadi pilihan biner mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua investor. Sebaiknya investasikan sejumlah uang yang bisa Anda rugi sehingga tidak akan menimbulkan kerusakan finansial yang signifikan. Anda dapat menemukan rincian lebih lanjut tentang risiko di sini. Mohon diperhatikan bahwa Verum Option Company tidak bertanggung jawab atas hasil trading biner Anda. Hanya Anda yang bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang mungkin disebabkan oleh perdagangan Anda. Tolong definisikan risiko maksimum yang dapat diterima oleh Anda dan jangan menginvestasikan lebih banyak uang di perdagangan opsi daripada yang bisa Anda rugi. Semua informasi pasar, materi pendidikan dan analisis tidak dapat dianggap sebagai saran perdagangan yang mendefinisikan tindakan trading Anda. Penggunaan situs web dan semua isinya dilakukan atas tanggung jawab penuh Anda. Pembuat situs web mengambil semua langkah yang wajar untuk menjaga informasi yang diperbarui, lengkap, akurat dan benar yang dipublikasikan di situs web, namun tidak bertanggung jawab atas tindakan pengguna secara langsung atau tidak langsung berdasarkan informasi tersebut. Administrasi tidak bertanggung jawab atas kemungkinan apapun. Kesalahan selama penggunaan materi apapun di situs web, dan tidak menjamin penggunaan bahan tersebut benar-benar aman. Harap dicatat bahwa tindakan perdagangan yang dilakukan berdasarkan informasi yang dipublikasikan di situs web sangat berisiko dan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya sebagian atau seluruh dana investasi Anda. Verum Option tidak menawarkan jasanya kepada penduduk yurisdiksi tertentu seperti provinsi Iran, Suriah, Jepang, Korea Utara, Inggris, Amerika Serikat dan Kanada di British Columbia, Quebec dan Saskatchewan. Platform perdagangan Verum Option dikembangkan oleh Spot Option Technologies Ltd Company dan di-host pada server Spot Option. Semua instrumen perdagangan, serta aset, kutipan. Manajemen risiko dan pembayaran disediakan oleh Spot Option. Pilihan biner adalah alat keuangan yang mudah dan nyaman. Pilihan biner adalah cara yang nyaman dan menarik untuk mendapatkan uang. Opsi biner perdagangan hari ini telah menjadi sangat populer karena ini adalah kesempatan besar untuk melipatgandakan modal Anda. Perdagangan opsi biner hanya dua klik naik atau turun. Untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, Anda hanya perlu meramalkan pergerakan harga aset pasar yang dipilih dengan tepat dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Misalnya, jika Anda yakin USD akan naik terhadap EUR Anda harus klik Up, dan jika Anda yakin akan turun klik Down. Anda hanya punya dua pilihan mengapa opsi ini bersifat biner. Seperti yang bisa Anda lihat, semudah ABC. Jika perkiraan Anda benar pada saat berakhirnya pilihan, Anda mendapatkan keuntungan. Binary options trading dengan minimum deposit Pada perdagangan opsi biner perusahaan kami tersedia dengan minimum deposit saja 5. Dan minimum saham adalah 1. Sebagai tambahan, kami memiliki kejutan yang menyenangkan untuk demo biner pilihan trader kami. Akun demo tersedia sesuai permintaan pelanggan setelah mendaftar. Kami menawarkan pilihan biner 60 Seconds, Long Term, Ladder, Pairs, One Touch dan lain-lain. Untuk memperdagangkan opsi biner Anda tidak perlu membeli aset itu sendiri, Anda membeli kontrak pilihan, dan harganya jauh lebih murah. Misalnya, Anda bisa membeli opsi untuk saham perusahaan terkenal seharga hanya 50 USD. Dan jika Anda ingin menjadi pemegang saham sebenarnya dari perusahaan ini, Anda harus membayar lebih dari 500 untuk setiap saham. Dengan kata lain, perdagangan opsi biner memungkinkan Anda menghasilkan keuntungan dengan cara yang tidak mungkin dilakukan. Pilihan keuntungan Pilihan biner keuntungan tetap dan diketahui sebelumnya. Bagaimana Anda bisa mendapatkan keuntungan saat opsi trading Misalkan Anda telah memutuskan untuk membeli opsi futures minyak untuk 100. Anda yakin harga minyak akan naik dalam 30 menit, jadi Anda klik Up. Jika Anda meramalkan benar, Anda akan menerima keuntungan Anda. Pilihan biner mudah Keuntungan utama perdagangan biner adalah kesederhanaannya (dibandingkan dengan pasar keuangan lainnya): bahkan seorang pemula pun dapat mengatasinya. Misalnya, Anda mengerti bahwa krisis di Yunani akan berdampak negatif terhadap tingkat EUR terhadap USD. Jadi Anda bisa membeli opsi put EUR dan mendapatkan keuntungan. Seperti yang bisa Anda lihat, perdagangan biner dengan Verum Option sangat mudah Jika Anda lebih memilih platform web, masuklah ke situs web, buatlah deposit dari 5 dan mulailah berdagang. Dan jika Anda lebih memilih perdagangan opsi biner dari ponsel cerdas Anda, unduh platform Verum Option dari App Store atau Google Play, setorkan dana langsung dari platform dan mulailah mendapatkan keuntungan pada saat ini, verumoption dimiliki oleh Coylton Services LP Negara pendaftaran: Scotland Alamat: 1st Floor Kantor, 86 A Constitution Street, EH6 6RP, Edinburgh, UKSilahkan tunggu beberapa saat dan jangan tutup browser anda. Forex Komoditi Forex adalah pasar terbesar dan paling likuid di dunia saat ini. Perputaran uang dengan 4 tr. Emas - Loco London (XAUUSD) Emas adalah salah satu komoditas paling populer untuk tujuan invetasi atau perdagangan. Investor biasanya membeli em. Minyak Mentah Dunia (CO-LSUSD) Adalah kontrak perdagangan minyak mentah dunia berdasarkan pasar NYMEX, yang diperdagangkan melalui sistem per. Selamat Datang di Monex PT Monex Investindo Futures telah berdiri sejak tahun 2000 dan saat ini merupakan salah satu perusahaan pialang berjangka terbesar di Indonesia yang menyediakan sarana dan jasa transaksi keuangan dan komoditi berjangka termasuk Forex, Indeks Saham, Komoditi dan CFD dengan spread dan biaya yang Sangat kompetitif Sorot Artikel Jadwal Edukasi Monex Forex Trading adalah transaksi perdagangan mata uang dari negara yang berbeda terhadap satu sama lain. Mata uang dipertukarkan untuk melakukan bisnis dan perdagangan luar negeri, yang membuat pasar forex menjadi pasar keuangan terbesar di dunia. Perdagangan forex dilakukan melalui broker forex atau market maker dan sekarang dianggap sebagai bentuk umum dari investasi. Pasar Forex adalah pasar global 24 jam, yang memungkinkan para broker forex melakukan perdagangan mulai saat pasar dibuka di Australia pada hari Minggu dan berakhir di New York pada hari Jumat. Pedagang hari ini juga memiliki akses untuk melakukan trading secara online. Beberapa manfaat dari perdagangan forex adalah likuiditas yang tinggi dan biaya transaksi yang rendah. Seorang broker Forex, seperti Monex, juga ikut para pedagang untuk berdagang pasar menggunakan leverage. Dengan kata lain, pedagang bisa berdagang dengan jumlah uang yang lebih banyak dari jumlah uang yang ada dalam rekening mereka. Namun, leverage dapat menambah keuntungan dan sekaligus. CFD, atau Contracts For Difference, adalah produk derivatif yang memungkinkan para pedagang untuk mengikuti perubahan harga saham. Ini adalah opsi trading sederhana untuk diperdagangkan perubahan harga di beberapa pasar komoditas dan ekuitas dengan leverage dan eksekusi langsung. Keuntungan dari perdagangan CFD Cakupan persyaratan margin yang lebih rendah dan akses mudah ke posisi pasar yang luas. Bentuknya yang populer dari investasi emas, juga dikenal sebagai aset safe haven bagi investor. Emas berjangka adalah alat lindung. Harga emas oleh penyediaan dan permintaan serta spekulasi. Penafian Penafian: Seluruh konten di dalam website ini sangat informatif. PT. Monex Investindo Futures tidak terjamin kelengkapan dan akurasinya. PT. Monex Investindo Futures tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala bentuk kerugian, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, akibat penggunaan informasi yang tersedia di website ini. Kebijakan Privasi: PT. Monex Investindo Futures membutuhkan informasi pribadi untuk pihak yang melakukan pendaftaran demo dan live account untuk kepentingan internal. PT. Monex Investindo Futures dan karyawannya berkewajiban menjaga kerahasiaan informasi tersebut dan tidak akan memberikannya kepada pihak ketiga. Namun jika diwajibkan oleh undang-undang, PT. Monex Investindo Futures dapat memberikan informasi tersebut ke depan publik. Hak cipta copy 2013 PT. Monex Investindo Futures. Jakarta adalah kota besar dengan beberapa artikel kabupaten yang berisi tamasya, restoran, kehidupan malam dan daftar akomodasi yang bisa dilihat masing-masing. Jakarta adalah ibu kota dan kota terbesar di Indonesia. Terletak di sebelah barat laut pulau jawa. Jakarta adalah pusat ekonomi, budaya dan politik negara dan kota terpadat tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi di Asia Tenggara secara keseluruhan. Meski kota ini terkenal dengan lalu lintasnya yang padat dan tingkat polusi yang tinggi, ini penuh dengan kehidupan malam yang menarik dan area perbelanjaan yang semarak. Kota ini juga merupakan pusat dan melting pot budaya Indonesia yang mungkin menjadi tempat menikmati Jakarta. Satu kejutan hebat yang bisa Anda temukan di Jakarta adalah begitu Anda melewati supir taksi yang menawarkan jasanya di bandara dan benar-benar bertemu dengan penduduk setempat, Anda akan mendapati bahwa orang-orang adalah orang-orang yang paling ramah, ramah, dan membantu yang Anda temukan di bumi, Jika Anda menjauhkan diri dari supir bus mini yang terkenal sebagai yang paling keras di bumi. Namun, pahami bahwa Jakarta sebagai peleburan, Anda dijamin bisa bertemu dengan orang-orang dari segala jenis di sini. Kecamatan Edit Jakarta secara administratif dibagi menjadi beberapa distrik berikut (perhatikan bahwa kabupaten ini kecuali Jakarta Pusat sangat padat dalam hal wilayah): Jakarta Pusat (Jakarta Pusat) - Jantung Administrasi, Pemerintahan dan Keuangan Jakartas, sebuah kabupaten dengan nama yang tepat Situs simbol Jakartas, Monas (Mon umen Nasional) 132 meter yang terletak di alun-alun kota terbesar di dunia, Lapangan Merdeka. Di sekitar kawasan itu terdapat istana kepresidenan, gedung pemerintahan, Masjid Istiqal (Masjid terbesar di Asia Tenggara), katedral gothic Jakartas dan juga Museum Nasional Indonesia. Ada juga berbagai museum di bagian kota ini seperti Galeri Nasional Indonesia atau Planetarium Jakarta. Kawasan ini juga merupakan rumah bagi landmark utama Jakartas Bundaran HI atau lingkaran lalu lintas Hotel Indonesia, yang merupakan tempat mal paling eksklusif di Jakartas. Satu jalan kecil di daerah yang disebut jalan Jaksa atau Jaksa, jalan backpacker, rumah sejumlah hotel dan restoran budget untuk pelancong. Jakarta Barat - Rumah bagi Jakartas hanya bisa bertahan dari kawasan kota tua Jakarta kota tua sebuah daerah kecil yang terdiri dari bangunan kolonial Belanda, jalanannya penuh dengan makanan jajanan, dibuat vendor yang bagus, seniman dan pemuda jakartans berkeliaran. Kawasan ini merupakan rumah bagi Museum Fatahillah atau Museum Sejarah Jakarta, dan sejumlah kafe museum lainnya dikonversi dari kantor, bank, gudang dan toko Batavias tua. Hal ini juga rumah bagi Pecinan Jakartas yang disebut daerah Glodok. Glodok lebih merupakan kawasan pejalan kaki elektronik di Jakarta, namun kaya akan makanan jajanan jalanan dan restoran masakan Cina serta kompleks kuil China kuno. Ada banyak belanja yang terjadi di daerah ini juga, karena merupakan rumah bagi mal perbelanjaan terbesar di Indonesia Mall Taman Anggrek (Orchid Garden Mall). Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Selatan) - Jakartas kelas menengah atas dan elit perumahan dan juga merupakan bagian dari pusat bisnis Jakartas. Di mana Anda dapat menemukan pusat perbelanjaan kelas atas dan mal, restoran, hotel, kehidupan malam yang ramai dan pusat hiburan dan daerah perumahan makmur. Salah satu daerah yang terkenal di selatan adalah Kemang, sebuah jalan yang penuh dengan jalur restoran, pub, klub malam, dan toko butik yang populer di kalangan orang-orang Jakarta dan ekspatriat. Kawasan Senopati juga merupakan tempat makanan yang sedang berkembang dengan beberapa restoran dan lounge paling keren di kota dan paling cepat, dengan cepat menggeser Kemang sebagai tempat untuk pergi dan menuju kemacetan lalu lintas Kemangs yang tak tertahankan dan pilihan baru yang memukau. Di sinilah penduduk elit pergi makan dan minum. SCBD, kawasan bisnis pusat juga memiliki beberapa pilihan tepat untuk makan siang dan klub dan lounge terbaik di kota ini. Jakarta Selatan juga merupakan rumah bagi stadion Gelanggang Bung Karno di kompleks olahraga Senayan, yang merupakan stadion terbesar di Indonesia. Jakarta Timur - Kawasan Industri kota, dan Lokasi Taman Mini Indonesia Indah dimana Anda dapat melihat bagian dari komunitas multietnis Indonesia yang dibulatkan menjadi 1, juga dibuat bagus di komunitas seni Utan Kayu, tempat perkemahan Cibubur, dan Jakartas 2nd Bandara, bandara Halim Perdanakusuma. Jakarta Utara (Jakarta Utara) - Kawasan pelabuhan utama jakartas terkenal dengan makanan lautnya dan merupakan pintu gerbang ke provinsi ribu pulau jakarta. Tempat ini merupakan tempat tinggal yang penuh dengan kegembiraan dan hiburan yang ramai. Kawasan wisata terpadu terbesar di Ancol Bayfront City Asias terdiri dari taman hiburan Dufan yang menarik, Sea World, pasar seni, taman eko, pusat perbelanjaan dan hiburan tepi pantai. Kepulauan Seribu yang indah terletak persis di seberang lautan Jakarta, dapat dilintasi oleh layanan dermaga dan merupakan tempat di mana orang bisa menghindari pembakaran dan polusi kota yang padat dan menikmati pantai yang indah dengan taman laut dan resor kelas dunia. Kepulauan Seribu - Di lepas pantai daratan, terbentang ratusan pulau kecil, beberapa di antaranya dihuni, namun banyak yang tidak dan sebagian merupakan bagian dari Taman Nasional Laut. Tempat menyelam yang sangat baik akan sulit ditemukan karena yang lebih populer mungkin telah dihancurkan oleh pariwisata. Untuk mencapai pulau-pulau, cukup pergi ke Pelabuhan Muara Karang dimana kapal penumpang yang dijadwalkan berangkat setiap jam 7 pagi. Kota satelit Jabodetabek mega-kota berpenduduk 30 juta ini meliputi Jakarta dan kota-kota satelit berikut: Bogor - Terletak sekitar 40km selatan Jakarta, Bogor memiliki istana yang indah dengan rusa yang menghuni kebunnya, salah satu taman botani kelas dunia terbesar, dan lapangan golf. Tangerang - Terletak di sebelah barat Jakarta, Tangerang adalah daerah yang terdiri dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta, lapangan golf, kawasan hunian, kawasan industri. Bekasi - Kawasan perumahan, Kawasan industri. Depok - Terletak di selatan Jakarta, tempat tinggal Universitas Indonesia. Pahami julukan Edit Jakartas di kalangan ekspatriat adalah Big Durian. Dan seperti buah buahnya, sangat mengejutkan pada pandangan pertama (dan bau): massa yang terik, mengepul, mengambang, sekitar 28 juta orang dikemas ke dalam gumpalan kota yang luas. Yang disebut megapolitan adalah pesona bagi orang Indonesia, baik sebagai bisnis maupun pusat pemerintahan, karena merupakan kota paling maju di Indonesia. Tapi semua ini harganya mahal: kota ini telah berjuang keras untuk mengikuti pertumbuhan kota. Jalan-jalan utama dikemas pada jam sibuk, sementara sistem transportasi umum tidak dapat mengurangi lalu lintas yang banyak. Perumahan penduduk juga menjadi masalah dan menambahkan bahwa, banyak mentalitas masyarakat belum membuat kota ini tempat tinggal yang tepat, seperti yang diimpikan. Semua itu mengatakan, meski awalnya agak luar biasa, jika Anda dapat menahan polusi dan mampu menikmati jimatnya, Anda bisa menemukan kota yang paling menarik dan paling ramai di Asia. Ada banyak hal yang harus dilakukan di Jakarta, mulai dari taman hijau, pusat perbelanjaan, belanja kosmopolitan, beragam pilihan gourmet, dan salah satu kehidupan malam paling hippingg di Sejarah Asia Tenggara. Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa berasal dari abad ke-12, saat melayani orang Sunda Kerajaan Pajajaran dekat Bogor sekarang. Orang-orang Eropa pertama yang tiba adalah orang Portugis, yang diberi izin oleh Kerajaan Hindu Pakuan Pajajaran untuk mendirikan sebuah kerajaan pada tahun 1522. Penguasaannya masih kuat di tangan lokal, dan pada tahun 1527 kota ini ditaklukkan oleh Pangeran Fatahillah. Seorang pangeran Muslim dari Cirebon Yang mengganti namanya menjadi Jayakarta. Namun, pada akhir abad ke-16, Belanda (yang dipimpin oleh Jan Pieterszoon Coen) telah cukup banyak mengambil alih kota pelabuhan tersebut, dan benteng benteng Inggris yang bersaing pada tahun 1619 mengamankan pegang mereka di pulau Jawa. Orang Belanda merobek pelabuhan Jayakarta tua selama penaklukan mereka dan membangun kembali kota tersebut dengan gaya perencanaan kota, benteng dan kanal belanda. Dengan nama Batavia. Kota Belanda yang baru menjadi ibu kota Hindia Belanda dan dikenal sebagai Ratu Timur. Selama masa ini, kota ini berkembang sebagai pusat Perusahaan Perdagangan Hindia Belanda dan tumbuh dengan pesat, dan selama ini juga populasi China dan Eurasia tumbuh di dalam kota. Untuk menjaga ketertiban dan kontrol, orang-orang Belanda melarang penduduk asli Jawa untuk tinggal di dalam bagian kota yang berdinding sambil mendorong imigran China untuk kawanan kota berdinding komersial dengan kanalnya. Juga diketahui bahwa setelah penaklukan Belanda di Malaka, sejumlah besar orang Portugis yang layak berasal dari Malaka ditangkap sebagai orangutan di Batavia dan mereka tinggal di daerah yang disebut Kampung Tugu. Batavia tua yang direncanakan dalam perencanaan dan kanal Belanda tidak berjalan dengan baik, sebenarnya kanal itu sendiri menjadi tempat berkembang biak bagi nyamuk. Pusat kota menjadi tidak sehat dan kotor dan kota itu dijuluki The Cemetry of the Europeans, ini juga alasan mengapa kota ini tumbuh lebih banyak di darat. Pada tahun 1740, budak-budak Cina memberontak melawan Belanda. Pemberontakan tersebut dilontarkan dengan kasar dengan pembantaian ribuan budak China. Para budak Cina yang tersisa diasingkan ke Sri Lanka. Pada 1795, Belanda diserang dan diduduki oleh Prancis, dan pada tanggal 17 Maret 1798, Republik Batavia. Sebuah negara satelit Prancis, mengambil alih hutang dan aset VOC. Namun pada tanggal 26 Agustus 1811, sebuah ekspedisi Inggris yang dipimpin oleh Lord Minto mengalahkan tentara PrancisDutch di Jakarta, yang mengarah pada pembebasan singkat dan administrasi Indonesia berikutnya oleh Inggris (yang dipimpin oleh Sir Stamford Raffles of Singapore ketenaran) pada tahun 1811-1816. Pada tahun 1815, setelah Kongres Wina, Indonesia secara resmi diserahkan dari Inggris ke pemerintah Belanda. Pada awal 1800an sebagian besar kanal terisi, kota ini bergeser 4 km ke pedalaman dan Pearl of the Orient berkembang sekali lagi. Pada abad ke-18, lebih dari 60 populasi Batavias terdiri dari budak yang bekerja untuk VOC. Para budak kebanyakan bertunangan untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga, sementara kondisi pekerjaan dan kehidupan pada umumnya masuk akal. Diperlukan persyaratan bahwa undang-undang diberlakukan bahwa budak yang dilindungi terhadap tindakan yang terlalu kejam dari tuan mereka misalnya, budak Kristen diberi kebebasan setelah kematian tuan mereka, sementara Beberapa budak diizinkan untuk memiliki sebuah toko dan menghasilkan uang untuk membeli kebebasan mereka. Terkadang, budak melarikan diri dan mendirikan geng yang akan berkeliaran di seluruh wilayah. Sejak awal pendirian VOC di Batavia, sampai koloni itu menjadi kota yang penuh, penduduk Batavia tumbuh pesat. Pada awalnya, Batavia terdiri dari sekitar 50.000 jiwa dan, pada paruh kedua abad ke-19, Batavia terdiri dari 800.000 jiwa. Menjelang akhir peraturan VOC Batavia, penduduk Batavia telah mencapai satu juta. Nama Jakarta diadopsi sebagai bentuk pendek Jayakarta ketika kota ini diambil alih oleh orang Jepang pada tahun 1942. Setelah perang dunia kedua, Indonesia mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan mereka di Koningsplein yang merupakan todays di Lapangan Merdeka. Perang kemerdekaan Indonesia diikuti setelah Perang Dunia II, dengan ibukota sempat bergeser ke Yogyakarta setelah Belanda menyerang. Perang tersebut berlangsung sampai tahun 1949, ketika Belanda menerima kemerdekaan Indonesia dan menyerahkan kota tersebut, yang kemudian menjadi ibukota Indonesia. Sejak kemerdekaan, penduduk Jakartas telah meroket, berkat migran yang datang ke kota untuk mencari kekayaan (ilusif). Seluruh wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor - Tangerang - Bekasi - Depok) (sekarang secara resmi menghitung jumlah sensus terakhir Jabodetabekjur (2010) adalah 28 juta orang, sebuah angka yang diproyeksikan telah mencapai 30 juta sudah. ​​Nama resmi kota ini adalah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta Raya (DKI Jakarta), yang berarti Daerah Khusus Ibukota. Masuk Edit Dengan pesawat Edit Di bandara Edit Pajak Keberangkatan Pada bulan Februari 2015, pajak keberangkatan Bandara Soekarno-Hatta (Passenger Service Charge) termasuk dalam biaya tiket pesawat Tidak perlu pembayaran tunai lebih lanjut di loket penerbangan Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta (IATA), ICAO WIII), 1 di Tangerang, Banten Semua penerbangan internasional dan hampir semua penerbangan domestik di sini 20 km (12 mil) ke Barat laut kota Kode bandara yang berlawanan arahnya berasal dari Cengkareng, sebuah distrik dekat bandara. Jika Anda tidak memiliki pilihan non-stop antara kota asal dan Jakarta, cobalah menghubungkan melalui Singapura atau Kuala Lumpur karena ada Selesaikan lebih dari selusin penerbangan sehari antara kota-kota ini dan Jakarta. Bandara Soekarno Hatta memiliki tiga terminal. Dengan sub-terminal bertanda yang menunjukkan ruang terpisah, namun saling berhubungan, di dalam gedung yang sama: Terminal 1 (A-B-C). Digunakan oleh maskapai bertarif rendah, Express Air, Lion Air, Sriwijaya Air, Airfast Indonesia, Aviastar, Citilink, Kal Star Aviation, dan Trigana Air Service. Terminal 2 (D-E-F). Air Asia, AirAsia Airlines, AirAsia Airlines, Maskapai Penerbangan Internasional, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, Flynas, Garuda Indonesia (rute internasional), Japan Airlines, ValuAir, Kuwait Airways, Lion Air, Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines, Malindo Air, Mihin Lanka, Merpati Nusantara, Philippine Airlines, Qantas, Qatar Airways, Royal Brunei Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways International, Thai Lion Air, Tiger Air, Turkish Airlines, Maskapai Penerbangan Xiamen, Yemenia, Air China, Air France, Cebu Pacific Airlines, China Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Etihad Airways, EVA Air, Garuda Indonesia, KLM-Air France, Korean Air, Saudia, dan Vietnam Airlines. Terminal 3 Digunakan oleh Garuda Indonesia pada rute domestik. Terkadang disebut sebagai T3 Ultimate. Bandara ini sedang menjalani renovasi skala penuh: Terminal 3, yang masih hanya setengah lengkap, memiliki banyak ruang publik, sebuah taman kecil, atap tinggi, parkir langsung dan akan menjadi tuan rumah berbagai macam toko di masa depan. Terminal 1, sebaliknya, jauh lebih bermanfaat dan hanya memiliki beberapa restoran yang bertebaran di luar area checkin. Terminal 2 yang jauh lebih dekat dengan pengunjung T3 memiliki akses yang sangat terbatas terhadapnya, namun cukup modern dan memiliki berbagai toko di dalamnya. Lounge yang nyaman bagi pengunjung banyak tersedia di T2 dan T3 - Anda mungkin memenuhi syarat untuk menginap gratis berdasarkan keanggotaan penerbangan atau bank Anda, atau Anda dapat membayar Rp 50.000 - 100.000. Tempat duduk umum untuk pengunjung lain tersedia di T2 dan T3, dan beberapa lagi melewati titik pengamanan khusus perjalanan. Untuk melakukan perjalanan antar terminal, ada beberapa bus antar-jemput gratis yang tidak dapat diandalkan yang terburu-buru memilih naik taksi seharga sekitar Rp 50.000 - memastikannya naik dengan kecepatan tinggi. Bus berhenti di tempat yang ditunjuk di aula kedatangan dan tidak memiliki kompartemen penyimpanan eksternal, yang bisa menjadi rumit saat masa puncak. Garuda Indonesia memiliki layanan transfer khusus antara Terminal 3 dan 2 dengan papan nama yang cukup luas di antaranya. Visa pada saat kedatangan (VoA) tersedia di bandara, lihat artikel utama Indonesia untuk rincian peraturan yang mungkin mereka bayarkan secara tunai atau kartu kredit. ATM tersedia baik di dalam maupun di luar koleksi koper di 3 terminal, dan karena taksi Indonesia tidak semua mendukung kartu kredit, disarankan untuk memiliki beberapa uang Rupiah untuk perjalanan Anda dan seterusnya. ATM ini mungkin memiliki batasan penarikan yang rendah yang meminta supir Anda untuk mampir ke ATM lain dalam perjalanan Anda ke kota jika perlu. Taksi tersedia di antrian yang ditentukan di luar ruang kedatangan. Untuk transit semalam, ada beberapa hotel di dekat bandara: Sheraton Bandara Hotel. Bandara Soekarno-Hatta (3 km dari bandara). 62 21 559 7777, 2. Hotel bintang 5 dengan 205 kamar Deluxe dan 15 kamar Suite. Kamar-kamarnya memiliki tempat tidur Sheraton Sweet Sleeper dan 32 TV LCD. Penjemputan di bandara antar-jemput gratis dan drop off dan lounge pribadi di bandara. Periksa penawaran khusus di situs hotel untuk menemukan paket spesial seperti penggunaan sehari, hadiah khusus dan penawaran pada transaksi terkait. Dari US100. Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma yang lebih tua (IATA, HLP. ICAO. WIHH), ke arah tenggara kota, digunakan oleh militer, penerbangan VIP, penerbangan charter, pesawat laut, perusahaan penyewaan helikopter dan jet pribadi. Susi Air. 62 811 211 3080, 3 menyediakan layanan ke destinasi lokal di Jawa Barat dari Bandara Halim. Alfa Air. 62 21 8087 1919, menyediakan layanan piagam pesawat amfibi dengan pesawat amfibi Cessna Caravan mereka, yang berbasis di Bandara Halim. Masuk ke kota Edit Untuk sampai ke kota, pilihan termudah adalah menghubungi hotel Anda untuk menjemput Anda di bandara, karena banyak hotel di Jakarta menyediakan transfer bandara gratis. Mendapatkan taksi sedikit lebih rumit. Jika Anda memesan dari loket tepat di luar Bea Cukai, Anda akan mendapatkan mobil yang bagus, naik ke kepala antrian dan membayar sekitar Rp 175.000 untuk perjalanan ke Segitiga Emas. Counter ini juga bisa menjual kartu SIM dan isi ulang (pulsa) anda. Jika Anda melewati loket, Anda bisa naik ke tingkat taksi biasa 8212 dan bertemu dengan banyak calo taksi dan pembawa bagasi, orang-orang ini kemungkinan akan menipu pengunjung dan harus diabaikan dan mungkin perlu melambaikan tangan (cukup melambaikan tangan Anda dan menggelengkan kepala Anda) . Ada beberapa operator taksi terpercaya seperti Silver Bird, Blue Bird. Dan taksi ekspres yang memiliki tempat pangkalan taksi mereka sendiri di terminal, pelanggan harus antri sesuai tarif untuk dilayani karena jumlah taksi datang dalam beberapa menit sampai sekitar 15 menit (tergantung pada ketersediaan dan lalu lintas). Silver Bird adalah perusahaan taksi premium dan operator ini sangat andal dengan supir yang bagus dan taksi Mercedes mewah, tapi lebih mahal dari yang lain di sekitar Rp 120.000 ke Segitiga Emas (City Center). Taksi Blue Bird Taxi dan Ekspress adalah dua layanan taksi yang paling andal di Jakarta. Mobil ini memiliki mobil Viaggio ber-AC yang lebih kecil namun masih bagus, dan akan menghabiskan biaya sekitar Rp 90.000 ke Segitiga Emas Jakarta Pusat. Operator lain akan menagih Anda di sekitar Rp 70.000-90.000. Pondok Indah (selatan Jakarta) akan dikenakan biaya Rp 130.000 sampai Rp 180.000 dengan taksi Bluebird, tergantung pada lalu lintas, ditambah biaya tol Rp 25.000. Tol harus dibayar di samping dan deriver akan meminta uang di stan pertama. Sebuah kata peringatan. Ambil sekitar Rp 5.000 atau Rp 10.000 untuk tol. Jika tidak, Anda tidak akan melihat adanya perubahan dari uang Rp 50.000 atau Rp 100.000 yang Anda berikan kepada pengemudi untuk biaya tol. Sebaliknya, naikkan tarif di meter ke yang terdekat Rp 1.000 atau Rp 5.000 dan bayar persis berapa. Jika tidak, pengemudi akan mempertahankan keseimbangan yang mengatakan keseimbangan adalah tip Semua taksi menggunakan meter (argo), namun beberapa taksi yang dipuji mungkin bersikeras untuk tidak menggunakan meter dan mengisi harga fix yang meningkat (borongan), pengunjung harus menghindari penipuan ini. Penumpang bertanggung jawab untuk membayar tol jalan raya, harga diposkan di pintu tol dan tanda terima diberikan. Bandara ini memiliki sistem jaringan untuk pembayaran biaya tambahan bandara di samping biaya meteran taksi biasa. Hal ini rinci pada map dan ditentukan oleh jarak tujuan. Anda diminta untuk tujuan Anda saat tiba di pangkalan taksi dan map dikeluarkan sesuai saat Anda diberi taksi. Jika Anda tidak memperjelas bahwa Anda memerlukan taksi, Anda mungkin tidak diberi tugas. Biasanya, petugas taksi berseragam. Jika seseorang menawari Anda taksi dan mereka tidak mengenakan seragam yang sama dengan supir taksi perusahaan maka Anda disarankan untuk mengabaikannya. Beberapa pialang taksi berseragam terlibat dalam tipuan untuk memberitahu turis mancanegara tentang pembayaran minimum yang tinggi untuk perjalanan singkat. Mereka menerima kickback dari pengemudi karena membuat wisatawan membayar lebih. Shuttle Bus Edit Alternatif ekonomis adalah bus antar-jemput DAMRI yang sering (15 menit sampai 40 menit di antara bis, tergantung rute dan waktu) yang terhubung dengan banyak tujuan di Jakarta Gambir (yang paling sesuai untuk mereka yang pergi ke Jalan Jaksa dan wilayah Jakarta Pusat), Rawamangun, Blok M, Tanjung Priok, Kampung Rambutan (untuk Depok), Pasar Minggu, Lebak Bulus dan Kemayoran (Rp 25.000) serta langsung ke kota-kota tetangga Bekasi. Serang (Rp 30.000), Bogor dan Cikarang (Rp 35.000). Layanan bus dari bandara beroperasi sampai tengah malam (meskipun ada taksi yang mungkin Anda katakan kepada Anda). Ini bisa diandalkan, nyaman dan ber-AC. Anda bisa mendapatkan tiket di banyak loket setelah keluar bandara. Jika tiba dengan penerbangan internasional di Terminal 2, pergilah ke kiri setelah keluar dari gedung sampai Anda melihat loket tiket DAMRI dan halte bus. Di terminal 3, halte bus ada di depannya tepat di belakang barisan taksi. Perhatikan bahwa layanan DAMRI ke bandara dihentikan lebih awal - misalnya, bus dari Gambir beroperasi dari pukul 15.30 sampai 19.30. Dari Terminal 1 (dalam negeri), lewati saja pemberhentian taksi, halte bus ada di sisi lain jalan (tanda baca Shelter Bus). Bus Damri beroperasi dari pukul 3 pagi (Waktu Standar Indonesia Barat) sampai pukul 9.30 malam. Dari kota, dan sampai tengah malam dari bandara. Bus berhenti untuk menjemput penumpang di daerah keberangkatan di semua terminal. Semua bus menggunakan Jalan Prof. Dr. Sedyatmo. Waktu tempuh ke dan dari pusat kota Jakarta ke stasiun kereta Gambir memakan waktu sekitar 70 menit (terkadang lebih lama), tergantung pada lalu lintas. Bus ke bandara berangkat dari berbagai terminal di Jakarta Pusat (Gambir) dan sekitarnya (ini bisa bervariasi tergantung pada lalu lintas). Layanan Bus Antar Jemput Shuttle Van Edit Xtrans. 62 21 5296-2255, 62 21 5296-4477. Menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara yang dapat diandalkan dari bandara Soekarno Hatta ke hotel-hotel besar di Sudirman dan Thamrin Street di Jakarta dan Bumi Xtrans di Jalan Cihampelas Bandung. Biaya: US3.30adult dan US2.20child. Jadwal: setiap jam sekali mulai pukul 05.00-10.00. Bilik Xtrans tersedia di Terminal IA, IB, IC dan IIE. Transfer Bandara Jakarta. Jl Jembatan Tiga Raya 5AH, Jakarta Utara. 62 21 9062 2754 (Jakarta) (Infojakartaairporttransfer). Pengangkutan dari pintu ke pintu ke kota Jakarta dan kota-kota tetangga. Sewa mobil seharian tersedia di Jakarta dan Bandung dengan supir jika diperlukan. Transfer bandara memberikan pilihan perhentian di Puncak, Bogor, Cirebon dengan pilihan ekonomi (7 seater) atau kendaraan jumbo (15 seater). Reservasi online dan konfirmasi instan. Sebuah harian Bandung Express adalah pilihan yang lebih pribadi meski lebih mahal bagi wisatawan Bandung dengan harga mulai Rp 300.000 penumpang. 160edit Bus Tickets Website Edit redBus Indonesia. 62 81 294685034, 4 Indonesia situs pemesanan tiket bus yang populer. Layanan antar jemput Minibus (Van) Kartika Chandra Hotel Dengan kereta api Mengedit Kereta di Stasiun Gambir di Jakarta Pusat Informasi tentang tiket kereta api dari PT Kereta Api (Persero) tersedia di Web (kereta-api. co. id untuk memudahkan pemesanan). Di Jakarta, Anda bisa membeli tiket di stasiun utama hingga 90 hari sebelumnya atau Anda bisa login di situsnya untuk mendapatkan pemesanan kode dan membayar di stasiun atau di banyak toko Indomaret dan Alfamart tanpa biaya tambahan, tentu Anda bisa Pergilah langsung ke toko untuk membeli tiket tanpa pemesanan kode. Di stasiun waspadalah terhadap tiket calo Mereka akan menawarkan barang dagangan mereka bahkan kepada orang-orang yang menunggu di antrean di depan titik penjualan tiket. Anda harus membayar 50-100 lebih jika Anda melakukannya, dan Anda bisa menemukan bahwa pelatih Anda tidak memiliki kursi kosong. Cara teraman dan bagus adalah pemesanan online dan kemudian pergi ke toko. Sebagian besar agen perjalanan juga akan dengan senang hati menjual tiket kereta ke tempat tujuan manapun. Cukup memesan tiket, bayar (sebaiknya) secara tunai dan kemudian pada hari mereka akan dikirim ke hotel Anda. Jakarta memiliki beberapa stasiun kereta. Stasiun Gambir Stasiun utama saat ini untuk penumpang jarak jauh di Jakarta adalah stasiun Gambir yang terletak di Jakarta Pusat, tepat di sebelah timur Monas. Pelatih kelas eksekutif (AC) dan beberapa kelas bisnis (non-AC) tiba di stasiun ini. Interior kereta Argo Bromo Anggrek Dari Bandung. Kereta sering, dengan satu tiba hampir setiap 2 jam. Durasi: 3-3,5 jam, di bisnis atau eksekutif (Rp 60.000). Kereta kelas ekonomi lebih lambat. Pemandangan ladang padi dan pertanian yang sangat bagus. Dari Surabaya. Argo Bromo Anggrek yang sangat bagus melakukan perjalanan dua kali sehari. Durasi: 10 jam 30 menit, Rp 265.000 selama seminggu di eksekutif. Harga naik selama akhir pekan dan pada hari libur. Sadarilah bahwa AC sangat dingin, jadi bawalah beberapa baju hangat. Apalagi, televisi biasanya sangat nyaring sepanjang perjalanan. Mungkin memesan makanan: Rp 18.000 untuk nasi goreng. Rp 3.000 untuk teh panas. Dari Semarang. Rute Semarang-Jakarta dilayani oleh Argo Muria yang nyaman. Yang berangkat dari Stasiun Tawang di Semarang, serta Argo Bromo Anggrek. Argo Sindoro. Dan Sembrani yang transit di Semarang. Rp 170.000-Rp 210.000 atau lebih saat peak season. Sebuah layanan bis bandara menghubungkan Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta dengan stasiun Gambir. Stasiun Pasar Senen Kereta murah tanpa AC umumnya menggunakan stasiun Pasar Senen yang terletak dua blok di sebelah timur Gambir. Hati-hati bahwa lokasinya penuh dengan kejahatan, meski stasiun itu sendiri telah dirapikan baru-baru ini. Bagaimanapun, kereta ekonomi ini tidak begitu disarankan untuk perjalanan wisata: fasilitasnya lamban dan buruk. Stasiun Jatinegara Sebagian besar kereta yang tiba di Jakarta juga berhenti di stasiun Jatinegara di bagian timur kota, memberikan akses yang lebih baik ke bagian timur dan selatan kota. Stasiun Kota Edit Stasiun Jakarta Kota terletak di bagian tua kota, dan berfungsi sebagai titik tolak kereta komuter dan beberapa kereta ke Merak. Merupakan bangunan bergaya Art Deco yang menarik yang saat ini sedang dipugar. Dengan bus Edit Saat membeli tiket untuk bus dari Jakarta, sebaiknya beli di stan bus masing-masing. Jangan membeli dari mana saja di luar stan karena harganya lebih mahal dan bus yang akan membawa Anda dipertanyakan. Jakarta memiliki banyak terminal bus, namun tidak semuanya memiliki layanan antar kota. Carilah tanda AKAP (Antar Kota Antar Provinsi atau Antar Kota dan Antar Provinsi). Untungnya terminal ini mudah dijangkau. Layanan bus kota, serta angkutan bandara, mulai dan berakhir di terminal bus, layanan busway juga berhenti di sana juga. Perhatikan bahwa meskipun daftar tersebut mengatakan bahwa tujuan yang dilayani terminal terutama melayani, beberapa layanan mungkin tersedia di bagian lain di Jawa. Terminal Bus Kampung Rambutan Jalan Lingkar Luar Selatan, Jakarta Timur (gunakan jalur busway 9). Terminal tersibuk untuk bus antarkota. Kampung Rambutan melayani beberapa layanan bus setiap hari dari dan ke tujuan utama di Banten. Terutama pelabuhan Merak, dan bagian tengah amp bagian selatan Pulau Jawa, seperti Cianjur. Bandung. Garut. Tasikmalaya. Cilacap. Purwokerto Yogyakarta. Solo. Dan Malang. Meskipun bus ke kota-kota besar di utara mungkin ada. Perhatikan bahwa bus antar kota antar kota berangkat dari dua daerah yang berbeda Terminal Bus Pulo Gadung Jalan Bekasi Raya, Jakarta Timur (menggunakan jalur busway 2 amp 4) Terminal tersibuk ke-2, Pulo Gadung melayani beberapa layanan bus setiap hari ke dan dari daerah tujuan di seluruh pantai utara. Dari Jawa Seperti Cirebon. Tegal. Pekalongan. Semarang. Dan Surabaya. Meski beberapa perusahaan bus juga mengantarmu ke Bandung. Beberapa bus bahkan menawarkan rute ke Bali dan Lombok Jika Anda tiba dari Sumatra, kemungkinan besar Anda akan tiba dari 2 terminal ini: Terminal Bus Rawamangun Jalan Perserikatan No. 1 (Jalan Paus), Jakarta Timur (Gunakan jalur busway 2, tapi tidak Berhenti di terminal. Halte terdekat adalah di Pemuda Ramawangun atau Velodrome) Terminal ini memiliki beberapa layanan bus yang melayani kota-kota besar di seluruh Sumatera. Terminal Bus Kali Deres Jalan Daan Mogot KM 16, Jakarta Barat (Gunakan jalur busway 5). Lokasinya di jakarta barat menjadikannya perhentian optimal untuk bus dari Sumatera. Meski tidak sebanyak Rawamangun. Dengan minibus Edit Baru-baru ini, perluasan minibus telah mengambil alih layanan bus raksasa antarkota jarak dekat. Sebagian besar perusahaan minibus seperti Cipaganti. CitiTrans amp XTrans akan mengantarmu ke Jakarta dari Bandung atau bahkan ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta Sampai 8 orang bisa muat di dalam van. Tarif dari Bandung biasanya sampai Rp 100.000 jika Anda memilih untuk turun di pusat kota. Sampai Rp 125.000 jika Anda turun di bandara Soekarno Hatta. Perhatikan bahwa bus paling sering tidak menjatuhkan Anda di hotel, tapi di kolam mereka sebagai gantinya. Dengan kapal Edit Perusahaan feri nasional, PELNI, dan sealines lainnya, mengoperasikan layanan penumpang ke destinasi di seluruh nusantara dari pelabuhan Tanjung Priok di bagian utara kota. Beberapa speedboat yang lebih kecil, terutama ke Kepulauan Seribu (Kepulauan Seribu), berangkat dari Ancol juga ke pantai utara Jakartas. Dengan mobil Edit Bepergian dengan mobil, kecuali di akhir pekan, biasanya bukan ide bagus. Congestions dapat memperpanjang jam sibuk yang lalu dan keragu-raguan di jalan tol di Jakarta dapat menimbulkan efek domino pada tol lainnya. Ada tiga jalan tol yang berakhir di Jakarta: Merak Jakarta-Merak menembus Tangerang dan mengarah ke tepi barat Jawa, pelabuhan Merak untuk koneksi ke Pulau Sumatera. Jalan tol Jagorawi menuju ke selatan menuju resor liburan Bogor dan Puncak, dan Jakarta-Cikampek melintasi timur, melewati Bekasi menuju Cikampek. Sejak 10 Juni 2015, sebuah tol baru bernama Cikapali yang menghubungkan Cikampek dengan Palimanan (dekat Cirebon) telah beroperasi. Jadi, sekarang Anda bisa pergi dari Jakarta ke Cirebon langsung ke jalan tol. Ada juga kelanjutan tol cut-off (Cipularang atau yang secara resmi disebut Purbaleunyi) yang bisa digunakan untuk berwisata ke Bandung. Ada jalan yang sejajar dengan jalan tol dan berakhir di dekat kedua jalan tol berakhir juga, jika Anda ingin tidak membayar. Berkeliling Edit Bagaimana berbicara prokem seperti Betawi Pidato sehari-hari orang-orang Bali (Betawi) secara bebas dicampur dengan ekspresi slang (prokem). Seperti kata slang lainnya, kata-kata masuk dan keluar dari mode dengan kecepatan yang membingungkan, namun beberapa fitur dapat dibedakan: Glossary singkat dari ekspresi Jakartan yang umum: no160 tidak 8594 tidak I160 sayaaku 8594 guague you160 kamuanda 8594 lulo sorry160 maaf 8594 maap to come up160 menaik 8594 naek to take160 mengambil 8594 ngambil untuk melihat160 melihat 8594 ngeliat untuk menggunakan160 memakaimenggunakan 8594 pakengegunain untuk dikunjungi160 ken 8594 ngunjungin Busway Transjakarta (dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal sebagai busway atau TJ) modern, ber-AC dan umumnya nyaman, meski terkadang layanan bisa menjadi jerawatan. (Mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk pergi ke depo untuk melayani dan mengisi bahan bakar pada saat bersamaan pada jam sibuk). Perlu diketahui bahwa layanan bus cukup tidak menunjang sehingga waktu tunggu untuk bus sampai 1 jam terutama pada jam sibuk. There are twelve lines operational as of mid-February 2013. Line 1: Blok M - Masjid Agung - Bundaran Senayan - Gelora Bung Karno - Polda Metro - Benhil - Karet - Setia Budi - Dukuh Atas - Tosari - Bundaran Hotel Indonesia - Sarinah - Bank Indonesia - Monas - Harmoni - Sawah Besar - Mangga Besar - Olimo - Glodok - Kota Line 2: (to Harmoni) Pulo Gadung - Bermis - Pulomas - ASMI - Pedongkelan - Cempaka Timur - Rumah Sakit Islam - Cempaka Tengah - Pasar Cempaka Putih - Rawa Selatan - Galur - Senen - Atrium - RSPAD - Deplu - Gambir I - Istiqlal - Juanda - Pecenongan - Harmoni Central Busway (to Pulo Gadung) Harmoni Central Busway - Balai Kota - Gambir II - Kwitang - Senen - Galur - Rawa Selatan - Pasar Cempaka Putih - Cempaka Tengah - Rumah Sakit Islam - Cempaka Timur - Pedongkelan - ASMI - Pulomas - Bermis - Pulo Gadung Line 3: (to Kalideres) Harmoni Central Busway - Pecenongan - Juanda - Pasar Baru - Juanda - Pecenongan - Jelambar - Indosiar - Taman Kota - Jembatan Gantung - Dispenda - Je mbatan Baru - Rawa Buaya - Sumur Bor - Pesakih - Kalideres (to Harmoni Central Busway) Kalideres - Pesakih - Sumur Bor - Rawa Buaya - Jembatan Baru - Dispenda - Jembatan Gantung - Taman Kota - Indosiar - Jelambar - Harmoni Central Busway Line 4: Pulo Gadung - Pasar Pulo Gadung - Tugas - Pertamina - Telkom - Tarakanita - Sunan Giri - Ikip - Kehakiman - BPKP - Utan Kayu - Pasar Genjing - Pasar Pramuka - Matraman - Manggarai - Pasar Rumput - Halimun - Dukuh Atas Line 5: Kampung Melayu - Pasar Jatinegara (to Kampung Melayu) - Kebon Pala - Slamet Riyadi - Tegalan - Matraman - Salemba UI - Kramat Sentiong NU - Palputih - Senen - Departemen Keuangan - Budi Utomo - Golden Truly - Lautze - Kartini - Jembatan Merah - Mangga Dua Square - WTC - Ancol Line 6: Ragunan - Departemen Pertanian - SMK 57 - Duren Tiga - Pejaten - Buncit Indah - Warung Jati Indah - Imigrasi - Mampang PrapatanHero - Kuningan Timur - Depkes - Patra Kuningan - Pasar Festival - Kuningan - Kuningan Madya - Menara Duta - Latuhar hari - Halimun - Dukuh Atas Line 7: Kampung Rambutan - Tanah Merdeka - Makro - Rumah Sakit Harapan Bunda - Pasar Induk Kramat Jati - Terminal Cililitan - Mayjen Sutoyo - UKI - Bakornas Narkoba RI - Rumah Susun - Gelanggang Remaja - Depkeu - Kampung Melayu Line 8: Tomang-Grogol 2- Jelambar-Indosiar-Kedoya Green Garden-Kedoya Assiddiqiyah-Duri Kepa-Kebun Jeruk-Kelapa Dua Sasak-Pos Pengumben-RS Medika-Permata Hijau-Simprug-Pasar Kebayoran Lama-Kebayoran Lama Bungur-Tanah Kusir-Pondok Indah Mall-Pondok Indah South-Pondok Pinang-Lebak Bulus Line 9: Pinang Ranti - Taman Mini Garuda - Pasar Kramat Jati - Cililitan - Sutoyo BKN - Cawang UKI - Cawang BNN - Cawang Ciliwung - Cikoko Stasiun Cawang - Tebet BPKM - Pancoran Tugu - Pancoran Barat - Tegal Parang - Kuningan Barat - Gatot Subroto Jamsostek - Gatot Subroto LIPI - Semanggi - Senayan JCC - Slipi Petamburan - Slipi Kemanggisan - S. Parman Harapan Kita - S. Parman Central Park - Grogol 2 - Latumeten Stasiun KA - Jembatan Besi - Jembatan Dua - Jembatan Tiga - Penjaringan - Pluit Line 10: Cililitan - Cililitan PGC - Sutoyo BKN - Cawang UKI - Sutoyo Cawang - Panjaitan Penas - Kebon Nanas Cipinang - Prumpung Pedati - Stasiun Jatinegara - Utan Kayu Ramawangun - Pramuka BPKP 2 - Kayu Putih Rawasari - Pulomas Pacuan Kuda - Cempaka Putih - Yos Sudarso Cempaka Mas - Yos Sudarso Kodamar - Sunter Kelapa Gading - Plumpang Pertamina - Walikota Jakarta Utara - Permai Koja - Enggano - Tanjung Priok Line 11: Kampung Melayu - RS. Premier Jatinegara - St. Jatinegara 2 - Flyover Jatinegara - Pasar Enjo - Imigrasi Jakarta Timur - Cipinang - Stasiun Klender - Flyover Klender - Kampung Sumur - Buaran - Flyover Radin Inten - Perumnas Klender - Penggilingan - Walikota Jakarta Timur - Pulo Gebang (currently in construction with new terminal) Line 12 TANJUNG PRIOK (10) - Enggano - Permai Koja - Walikota Jakarta Utara - Plumpang Pertamina - Sunter Kelapa Gading - Sunter Boulevard - Sunter Karya - Sunter SMPN 140 - Danau Agung - Kemayoran Landas Pacu Timur - Jembatan Merah - Gunung Sahari Mangga Dua - Mangga Dua - Pangeran Jayakarta - Kota - Kalibesar Barat amp Bandengan Pekojan (only bus from Tanjung Priok) Pluit Landmark, Pakin, Gedong Panjang, and Museum Fatahillah (only bus from Pluit) - PLUIT (9) The other three corridors will be finished before end of 2016. The transfer points for the Transjakarta Busway lines are: Dukuh Atas: Busway Line 1, 4 and 6 Halimun: Busway Line 4 and 6 Kampung Melayu: Busway Line 4 and 7 Har moni Central Busway: Line 1,2,3 Juanda: Busway Line 2 and 3 (for those who is coming from Pulo Gadung and want to transfer to Line 3) Pulo Gadung: Busway Line 2 and 4 Matraman: Busway Line 4 and 5 Senen: Busway Line 2 and 5 Jelambar amp Indosiar160: Busway Line 3 and 8 SemanggiBenhill: Busway Line 1 and 9 Kuningan Barat: Busway Line 6 and 9 Grogol 2: Busway Line 3 and 9 Grogol BKN: Busway Line 7 and 9 Cililitan, Sutoyo BKN, Cawang UKI: Busway Line 7,9 and 10 Unlike Jakartas other buses, busway buses shuttle on fully dedicated lanes and passengers must use dedicated stations with automatic doors, usually found in the middle of large thoroughfares connected to both sides by overhead bridges. The system is remarkably user-friendly by Jakartan standards, with station announcements and an LED display inside the purpose-built vehicles. Grab onto a handle as soon as you enter the bus as they move away from the stop suddenly and quickly. Park and Ride facilities are in Ragunan, South Jakarta, Kampung Rambutan, East Jakarta and Kalideres, West Jakarta and in late 2010 the city administration was holding a tender for the construction of Park and Ride facilities in Pulo Gebang, East Jakarta. That construction of that facility is planned to start in 2011. Buses run from 5AM-10PM daily. Tickets cost a flat Rp 2,000 before 7AM, and Rp 3,500 after. Transfers between lines are free be careful not to exit the system until your journey is completed. The hub at Harmoni station is the busiest interchange. The buses can get very crowded, especially during rush hours at 7AM and 4PM, when office workers are on the move. If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, a Transjakarta Application map is also available to download. As of May 2009, the application is free . For blackberry users a Transjakarta Guide for Blackberry software download5 is available. Be careful, not all buses stopping at busway stations are operated by Transjakarta and they have their own fares and tickets. If you already in the busway station and take those buses, you have to pay again on board . Those buses are: APTB (Angkutan Perbatasan Terintegrasi Bus Transjakarta, lit. border transport integrated with Transjakarta buses), will serve until suburban area. Fares are vary depends on the destination but if the destination is within busway network, the fare is Rp. 5.000. They are usually blue colored big buses. Kopaja AC, some selected route of Kopaja with air conditioned buses. Fare is Rp. 5.000. They are usually white-green colored small buses. By tour bus Edit Jakarta is one of the many cities in the world whose government provides tour buses. Dubbed the City Tour Jakarta . the buses are double decker and you can ride them for free. The bus follows a loop road, traversing through some of Jakartas places of interest: Hotel Indonesia Roundabout - MH Thamrin - Medan Merdeka Barat - Museum Nasional - Majapahit - Harmoni - Komplek Sekretariat Negara - ANZ Bank (Pecenongan)- Pasar Baru - Jakarta Art Theater (Gedung Kesenian Jakarta) - Lapangan Banteng - Masjid Istiqlal - Juanda - Veteran II - Medan Merdeka Utara - Istana Negara (Medan Merdeka Barat) - Indosat - Medan Merdeka Selatan - City Hall - MH Thamrin - Sarinah - Hotel Indonesia Roundabout. Note that the buses will stop only at designated shelters. Buses run from 09.00 to 19.00 every hour, depending on traffic. By public bus Edit A multitude of bus companies operate at the streets of Jakarta. However buses do not run on schedule. Most maps bought not from Indonesia do not show bus routes, so Google Maps would be the best method to figure out what bus you should take. Most bus stops also posted what route number and destinations stop there. If you want to get somewhere quickly and are not prepared to get lost, avoid the buses (remember that taxis are cheaper than most local buses in the West). However, they make for a good adventure if youre not in a rush and dont mind being the centre of attention. These are the bus hierarchy, from best to worst: APTB is the most comfortable, if not the cheapest, option. The buses are colored blue and the routes are generally to places outside Jakarta, such as Bogor or Tangerang, but they will traverse through the Transjakarta stops first before going with their own route. Tickets are Rp 6000, but how you pay is a little different: you pay the initial Rp 3500 by entering the bus stop and pay the rest in the bus. The advantage is if you stop at a Transjakarta stop, you can ride the red Transjakarta buses without the need to pay again BKTB is similar to APTB, but the routes are mostly detached from the busway system, hence fewer stops at the Transjakarta stops. Most of Mayasari Bakti buses have air-conditioning (look for the letters AC on the bus number), but a few of its routes do not. AC buses are usually light amp dark blue but some come out in green and orange. Inquire if in doubt. Apart from the AC, the seat is, if at all, uncomfortable. Kopaja . on selected routes, have introduced a similar service, even offers Wi-Fi connectivity in buses. Look for the metallic grey and green color bus. Patas also has a combination of air conditioned and non-air conditioned fleet. They have fewer buses and noticeably a lower tier of service than Kopaja. Look for the white amp black strip, with the Monas icon. Avoid using MetroMini (orange amp blue), Kopami (blue amp yellow) and non air-conditioned Kopaja (white amp green) at all costs as the buses are filthy, do not offer air-conditioning and is driven recklessly Bus fares are generally less than Rp 10,000 with a flat rate system. You must usually pay in a box beside the driver but a kondektur can reach out to you and pay to him. Cheaper yet are mikrolet (mini-buses) and angkot (small vans) that ply the smaller streets and whose fares vary from Rp 3,000 to 6,000 depending on the distance, but good luck figuring out the routes. You pay the fare directly to the driver after getting off. You may need to spare one or two Rp 500 coins before boarding the bus, since there is on-board entertainment and other distractions. On a typical day, you may find street musicians singing unplugged versions of Indonesian and Western pop songs asking for donations at the end of the performance, and street vendors, one after another, trying to sell almost everything, from ballpoint pens and candies to boxed donuts and health goods. If you do happen to be travelling in a bus, refrain from sitting or standing at the back area of the bus as this is where muggers find their prey. Always keep an eye on your belongings and be alert at all times as pickpocketing occurs. Note that buses do not run according to any schedule or timetable. Sometimes a bus may take a while to come, in other circumstances it is possible that two of the same bus routes may come together and these drivers will definitely drive aggressively to get more passengers. They do not stop at any particular bus stop and can stop just about anywhere they like. If you want to get off, simply say kiri (to the left) to the kondektur or just knock on the ceiling of the bus for three times (be sure that the driver hears your thumping), and the bus driver will find a place to drop you. An additional tip to alight from these buses is to use your left foot first to maintain balance and try to get down as quickly as possible as they do not fully stop the bus. Also note that seats in these buses are built for Indonesians who are typically shorter and more slender and agile than people with a larger build such as Caucasians and Africans. Non-Indonesians might find the seats in these buses to be confining and uncomfortable. List of bus terminals in Jakarta: Blok M (South Jakarta), Lebak Bulus (South Jakarta), Pasar Minggu (South Jakarta), Grogol, Kota, Kalideres (West Jakarta), Manggarai (South Jakarta), Pulogadung (East Jakarta), Rawamangun (East Jakarta), Kampung Melayu (East Jakarta), Kampung Rambutan (South Jakarta), Tanjung Priok (North Jakarta), Senen (Central Jakarta). By car Edit Rental cars are available, but unless you are familiar with local driving practices or lack thereof, take reputable taxis. If youre from a foreign country, it is not recommended to rent a car and drive on your own. The chaotic and no-rules traffic will certainly give you a headache. Renting a car with a driver is a much better idea. The price of fuel in Indonesia is relatively low due to the application of subsidies by the central government. Pertamina outlets supply gasoline ( bensin ) ( petrol ) at Rp 6.500litre, diesel fuel (solar) is at Rp 5,500litre. Non-subsidised prices for products such as Pertamax (RON 92 Pertamax high-octane gasoline are higher at around Rp 9,500litre, RON 95 Pertamax Plus around Rp 10,350 and Pertamina-Dex (diesel fuel) is around Rp 10,100. Prices at outlets operated by Shell, Mobil and Petronas are similar. Toll roads circle the city and are faster when the traffic is good, but are very often jammed themselves. The drainage systems of major roads are poorly maintained and during the rainy season from Dec-Feb major roads may be flooded, leading to even worst traffic congestion than normal. Finding parking places in residential areas can be difficult due to the narrow roads. Paid parking is easy to find in shopping malls, offices and the like is Rp 3,000 to 4,000hr. Street parking often requires to payment of Rp 3,000 to a parking attendant. If you do decide to drive by yourself or having a driver in Jakarta, please remember that there is a 3-in-1 system implemented in some of the main roads in the morning fro m 7.00-10AM and in the afternoon from 4.30-7 PM, this requires a a car to have a minimum of three occupants. The routes include the whole stretch from Kota train station through Blok M via Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jl. Thamrin, Jl. Sudirman and Jl. Sisingamangaraja Jl. Gatot Subroto from the Senayan-JCC overpass to the intersection with Jl. HR Rasuna Said. However, complying with the 3-in-1 rule is as simple as picking up a jockey . Along the main roads are many who look like hitch hikers, but they are in fact jockies who charge a small fee to make up the number in your car. Pay the jockey Rp 20 to 25,000 for the service, depending on the distance. There are intentions from the local government to change this system to an Electronic Road Pricing system sometime in the future. By taxi Edit Beware the false Blue Bird Blue Birds reputation has spawned a host of dodgy imitators, so just because its blue doesnt mean its safe. Check the following before you get in: The door and roof logo is either the Blue Bird or the PusakaLintas flying egg The windshield says Blue Bird Group The driver is in uniform The headrests have Blue Bird logos The growing reputation of Express taxis has also led to a number of imitation companies popping up in recent years, take the same precautions as you would for spotting a fake Blue Bird Most visitors opt to travel by taxi, which is cheap and occasionally even fast. There are a multitude of taxi companies of varying degrees of dependability. Taxis are widely available and usually easily hailed off the street in a matter of seconds however demand often exceeds supply during periods of heavy rain and weekday peak hours (generally about 4:30-8:00PM). If you absolutely need to be somewhere during rush hour (i. e. the airport) it is a good idea to make alternative transportation arrangements. The Blue Bird group 62 21 79171234, (24 hr) is known for their reliability, has an efficient telephone order service and always uses their meter. Fares are Rp 7,500 flagfall (including the first kilometer) and Rp 400 for every subsequent 100 meters or minute stuck in traffic. They also have a very good mobile app thats convenient to use that allows you to GPS locate where you are or enter your address. The Blue Bird group also runs Silver Bird, Morante, Cendrawasih and Pusaka Nuri taxis, They normally use late model Toyota Vios sedans. The Silver Bird executive taxi charges a premium for a larger car, normally a Mercedes Benz C amp E Class or a Toyota Vellfire ). Alternatively the Express group 62 21 26509000, is fast overtaking Blue Birds reputation as best taxi firm in Jakarta. Unlike Blue Bird, Express requires a minimum of three years experience at another Jakarta taxi firm from its drivers. As a result, Express drivers generally know their way around the city better than the often newly arrived Blue Bird drivers. Metered fares are at Rp 7,500 flagfall (including the first kilometer)and Rp 250 for every subsequent 100 meters or minute stuck in traffic. Some other large, generally reliable companies include Taxiku, Gamya, Dian Taksi, Putra and TransCab. You can generally determine a good cabbie by asking argo (meter) - if they say no or tidak, get another taxi. Taxis parked near trainbus stations, tourist attractions, and hotels often refuse to use the meter and quote silly prices (especially to foreigners) - in this case, its a good idea to walk away a bit, then hail a passing Blue Bird or Express taxi. Many taxis are mechanically unsound and have drivers of highly questionable skill. They also often engage in determined efforts to overcharge, including via rigged meters. There have been occasional but recent cases of people being robbed at knife-point after taking non-reputable taxis, so its best to stick to the firms above. Be particularly vigilant late at night, when you will spot a number of taxis from firms you have never heard of or seen before roaming around. Rates for taxis depend on the company, though the rate of Rp 7,500 flagfall (including the first kilometer) and Rp 400 for every subsequent 100 meters or one minute stuck in traffic has been widely adopted. Minimum charges apply to taxis ordered by phone, this should be posted on the inside of the taxi and generally varies from Rp 20,000 to Rp 40,000. There is now a minimum applied to taxis flagged off the side of the road in the case of Blue Bird or Express, and while other taxi companies may not have a minimum, they may be upset if you give them less than Rp 15,000. Carry plenty of small denomination notes to pay fares as there is no guarantee that drivers will have any change (Indonesian: kembali). On the meter, fares are rounded up to the nearest Rp 1,000 as a matter of course and tips are generally expected from foreigners, though by no means mandatory. When paying, it is usual to round up to the nearest Rp 5,000. On a longer trip, if the service has been good, allow 10 for the tip and again, round up to the nearest Rp 5,000. Keep the doors locked and the windows closed when traveling in a taxi, as luxury items or a bag can be an attractive target when stuck in a traffic jam or traffic light. Avoid using the smaller taxi companies especially if you are alone, and try to know the general route - the driver might well take you a roundabout route to avoid traffic, but you will know the general direction. Stating your direction clearly and confidently will usually pre-empt any temptation to take you on the long route. It is also not uncommon for taxi drivers to be recent arrivals in Jakarta - they often dont know their way around and may be relying on you to direct them - ensure that they know the way before you get in. By rental car Edit Another solution for getting around in Jakarta is to rent a car. However for most visitors it is best to use a local driver rather than self drive. RentalMobil: SCBD Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52 - 53 Telp: 021-29608390 website: jakarta car rental CityHomeRentCar: Jl Sunter Karya Selatan 1 Telp160: 087781070218 website160: jakarta car rental Smbrentcar: Telp:6221-49663300 Email160: rentalmobilsmbgmail website: rental mobil jakarta Adapted Car Hired ( booking taxi ) telp 021-68290939 adapted-car-hire. itrademarketprod There is also wheelchair accessible booking taxi for user friendly of both disabled and elderly with or without wheelchair for an easy ingress and egress as well as tranfer from wheelchair to car seat or from car seat to wheelchair, to and from anywhere inside the city of Jakarta including but not limited to and from airport, hotel, sightseeing, etc from the one and only Adapted Car Hired telp 021-68290939 adapted-car-hire. itrademarketprod a division of PT. Hidup Berkat Rahmat Anugerah hbra. co. id a provider of mobility solution for both disabled and elderly in partneship with several wellknown leader of mobility solution such as fiorella. ws and autoad apt and bruno and braunlifts. there are several accessible booking taxi, including wheelchair lift and passenger side entry ift up seat as well as passanger swivel seat, while upon pre request, there are also specific adapted car hired with hand control and or left foot accelerator for disabled driver. By bajaj Edit A Jakarta Bajaj160: One of the most popular, affordable and environment friendly mode of public transport is the Blue Colored 3 Wheel Vehicle locally called as Bajaj Help Save Environment when in Jakarta, Drive The Jakartan equivalent to Thailand s tuk-tuk is the bajaj (pronounced bahdge-eye), blue colored scooters souped up in India into tricycles that carry passengers in a small cabin at the back. Theyre a popular way to get around town since they can weave through Jakartas interminable traffic jams much like motorbikes can. The old version 2 cycles of Bajaj is gradually being changed by CNG version which eco-friendly, quieter and more convenient ones. There are no set prices, but a short hop of a few city blocks shouldnt cost much more than Rp 4,000. Be sure to agree to a price before you set off. Locals who regularly use the bajaj know what a typical fare should be and are happy to tell you. By ojek Edit If youre poking around narrow back streets, or just in such a hurry that youre willing to lose a limb or more to get there, then Jakartas motorcycle taxis ( ojek ) might be the ticket for you. Jakartas ojek services consist of guys with bikes lounging around street corners, who usually shuttle short distances down alleys and roads but will also do longer trips for a price. Agree on the fare before you set off. And insist on a helmet, and wear it properly. No need to make it more insanely dangerous than it already is. The ojek drivers will insist youre safe with them and that theyll drive carefully, but this has little to do with reality. What locals normally pay to them is Rp 5,000 for a short ride and Rp 7,000 to 10,000 for a longer (roughly more than kilometer or 15 minutes walk) one. Foreigners are likely to be asked for more, but generally ojek drivers will accept the proper fare if you insist on it, unless they see you really need to use their service, such as if youre in a hurry but theres a huge traffic jam so using a taxi or bus will be too slow. In November 2011, Ojek with argometer is called Taxijek has launched in Jakarta and is provided with companys driver identity card, a helmet for passengers, disposable shower caps to wear underneath and an extra raincoat. The fee is cheaper than the non-argometer ojeks make drivers of non-argometer ojeks jealous, moreover the Taxijek can enter the gate of elite housing complexes to pick up passengers due to Taxijek have special driver identity cards. The first flag start at Rp 4,000 (0.44) and Rp 1,000 (0.11) for another each kilometer. Call (021)94440739 or visit taxijek for more information. By helicopter Edit ats. co. id has over 21 helicopters in their fleet operating from Sentul Bogor. Office: 62 (21) 87900333. 24 hours: 62 818898383. Costs over 2.000 per hour. On foot Edit As a rule, walking around the centre of Jakarta is neither fun nor practical, especially for the disabled traveler you may find the city a true challange due to poor maintenace of pavement and missing sidewalk. With the exception of a few posher areas, sidewalks are crowded with pushcart vendors, drivers disregard pedestrians and crossing streets can be dangerous. On many busy streets there are no pedestrian crossings, so its best to latch onto a local and follow them as they weave their way through the endless flow of cars, you may found yourself waiting for hours if you decided to wait for one of them to stop for you on pedestrian crossing. If you use pedestrian bridges, watch out for wonky steps and holes, and also look out for motorcycles and bicycles that often use the bridge illegally. Despite this horrible habits of the inhabitants, the downtown area itself does have adequate sidewalks, you may find yourself faster taking the path on foot than travelling by vehicles, there are few recommended guide for you to explore the city: 1) Kota Tua - pedestrian friendly square, you can walk in these area and explore the sight of dutch colonial charm that were once centre of the colonial seat. 2) Pasar Baroe - a pedestrian friendly zone market, that exist since the colonial era 3) Sudirman-Thamrin corridor - the downtown itself have nicely done paved pedestrian footpath for eager explorer all the way through rasuna said, theres available wifi too 4) Monas and Kebon Sirih area - the city square is pedestrian friendly zone, and the surrounding area have several attraction such as president palace to old colonial churches 5) Car Free Day - the city centre enclosed itself from motor vehicle, every Sunday from 6.00 a. m. to about 11.00 a. m. This is the moment you can find yourself walking on the road of the city from Sudirman, Thamrin to Monas area, the busway service would still be running in the enclosed zone for travellers to reach their destination. Jakarta is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Jakarta History Museum, Kota Landmarks Edit Monas ( National Monument ). Located at Lapangan Merdeka (Freedom Square), Jakartas best known landmark, the 137 metre monument is located in the centre of Merdeka (Freedom) square. From the observation deck, you can view the city. At the basement there are dioramas that portray the dramatic story of Indonesia history. Entrance ticket Rp 2,500, ticket to the top of Monas, Rp 7,500. Presidential Palace . ( north of the National Monument ). Official residence and office of the Indonesian president is open to the public on weekends for free, preferably make reservation first and use formal clothes, no sandals. Gelangang Bung Karno Stadium . ( Senayan Sport complex in South Jakarta ). A large stadium surrounded by a large park, the area is a good way to enjoy a fresh air away from the congestion and as well to see a large stadium provided you are interested in it. Bundaran HI . ( Hotel Indonesia Traffic Circle ). A large fountain with a statue, located in Central Jakarta and is in front of the citys grand major malls. Themeparks Edit Ancol Dream Park ( Taman Impian Jaya Ancol ). Ancol Dream Park is located right on the coast. The Park itself is well worth the visit, however, dont hold high expectations for the beach or for the quality of the sea water. Both the beach and the sea water are polluted and best avoided. The Park consists a themepark, Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy world) with ticket fee Rp 195,000 (US14.80) per person in week days and Rp 275,000 (US21.00) per person on week end-Sunday-and-Holiday, Atlantis Water Adventure (Waterboom) ticket fee Rp 100,000 (US11.80) per person, Seaworld (for the largest aquarium in South East Asia), Gelanggang Samudra (Ocean Park) animals show ticket Rp 90,000 (US10.60) per person, Fantastic Multimedia (Laser) Show ticket fee Rp 50,000 (US5.90) per person, resorts, hotel, beach, marina, and great restaurants. Its one of the biggest such parks in Asia. Entrance ticket fee to the complex Rp 25,000 (US1.80) per person excluding parking fee Taman Mini Indonesia Indah . ( Beautiful Indonesia in little park ). See the whole Indonesian culture from here. It offers an exciting tour of 30 provinces of Indonesia with samplings of the countrys more than 250 cultures. Highlight features are the Museum Indonesia and the Keong Emas IMAX theater. Entrance ticket fee to the complex Rp 10,000 (US1.90) per person. Jungleland Sentul City . located in Bogor regency however far from the city center lies Indonesias largest and newest themepark. There are much more variety of rides in the themepark compared to Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy world), complete with a science park and a dinosaur land, a great place for both kids or adults who like to get their adrenaline boiled. Museums Edit (note that majority of the museums in Indonesia do not have English translation, but major museum does) Gedung Kesenian Jakarta . ( Jakarta Arts Theater ). Neo-renaissance structure, previously meticulously restored, and now one of the proud landmarks among the Jakarta buildings which have been conserved. Some of the city best performance by both local and visiting artists are often held here. Museum Nasional. Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat no.12 ( BRT Monumen Nasional, Monas, Transjakarta Busway stop Gambir, Line I ), 62 21 3868172, 62 21 381 1551 (museumnasionalinayahoo. co. id. fax. 62 21 3447778 ), 6. Tu-Fri 8:30AM-4PM, Sat-Sun 8AM-5PM and closed on Mon and public holidays. Houses a vast collection of prehistoric, ethnographic and archaeological artifacts, including one of the worlds largest collections of Southeast Asian ceramics and Hindu Javanese art. The museum was opened in 1868. See the JakartaCentral article for more detail, including tour information. Admission charge: Indonesian residents: Rp 5,000, foreign visitors: Rp 10,000. 160edit National Gallery of Indonesia . The National Gallery of Indonesia has existed as a cultural institution in the field of visual arts. Today the museum kept 1770 artworks by Indonesian and foreign artists, among the most notable are Indonesian artists Raden Saleh, Affandi, Basuki Abdullah, and also some foreign artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Hans Hartung, Victor Vasarely, Sonia Delaunay, Pierre Soulages, and Zao Wou Ki. Museum Art Mon Decor . A new museum located in Jakarta, it houses various numbers of modern artwork by various Indonesian artist from all over the region. Textile Museum . Houses a large collections of textiles related to the religious and social practices of the major islands of the archipelago, including batik, ikat and kain ulos. Gedung Proklamasi . ( Proclamation Building ). The historical site of Indonesian independence, where on August 17th, 1945 Soekarno-Hatta (Indonesian first President and vice-President) declared the nations independence. Lubang Buaya . Marks the site where an alleged failed coup d etat by Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI), the Indonesian Communist Party, met its end, alongside the bodies of several high-ranking generals who are believed to have been tortured to death. Museum Taman Prasasti . A museum that is located in what formerly is a wealthy Dutch graveyard, the museum is surrounded with tombs and monuments with European designs and arts. Museum Polri . Indonesias police force Museum, located in the southern part of the city. Satria Mandala Museum . A war museum located in Southern Jakarta, displaying sets of weapons, tanks, and war planes. Museum Adam Malik . Small museum dedicated to Mr Adam Malik, a renowned figure who represented Indonesia in the United Nations, among many of his other feats including as an Indonesian foreign minister. Museum Bank Mandiri . ( in the Old Town or Kota Tua area opposite the Northern Terminus of Corridor 1 of the Busway and Kota Station ). See the history of banking in the Dutch colonial era. Sections include the history of how the Dutch segregated the services offered to bankers by race, the history of the creation of Bank Mandiri and its memorabilia. Colonial Era Bank Governors and Rupiah bank notes through time. Museum Bank Indonesia a museum located next to Bank Mandiri, it is one of the most modern museum in Indonesia, with a history of trades and currency in Indonesia during the colonial times. Museum Wayang . ( Puppet Museum ). Dedicated to puppetry and is located at Kota Tua, one of Indonesias most famous traditional art forms. On display are the wayang kulit shadow puppets, three-dimensional wooden puppets and special dance masks. Wayang performances are presented on Sunday at 10AM. National Archieve Museum . Formerly the Dutch archive building now is a museum, it is also located in the Kota Tua area. Museum of fine ceramic and art . Formerly the court of justice in Dutch colonial era, now houses potteries and artworks of Indonesia. Historical Heritages Edit Kota Tua . ( Old town Batavia ). Is the old town of Jakarta, situated at north of Jakarta nearby the Glodok China Town. The area collides modern Jakarta with its old Dutch colonial charm. It includes a square of the old city, complete with sets of Musseum and cafes. and is filled with street vendor selling goods and food at reasonable range of price. The place is home to many historical museum, which are Museum Fatahillah the old Dutch Town hall building that are now historical museum, Museum Wayang, Museum Mandiri, Museum Maritime (old warehouses) and Bank Indonesia Museum. This area is popular among local populace as a family recreational destination, as well artist and photographers playground. Jembatan Kota Intan . ( Kota Intan drawbridge ). The bridge was developed coincide with the development of Batavia by Jan Pieterzoon Coen in 1628, and the only one of the rests of many suspension bridge ever decorating Batavia city. Sunda Kelapa PortOld Harbour . The old port area of Sunda Kelapa remains today as a bustling hub for inter islands trade. Graceful Bugis phinisi schooners, the worlds last wind-powered sailing fleet used for trade, still berthed at the quay as they have for century. Fish Market and Museum Bahari . (Maritime Museum ), ( at the mouth of the Ciliwung river ). This market area bustles with activities related to the sea. The Museum Bahari situated at the harbour, is housed in restored Dutch warehouses dating back to the first trading post of the Dutch East Indies. Pasar Baru . Although the name means New Market, it doesnt mean the place is new at all. Dating back to the Dutch colonial era, it has been one of the main hub for commodities trading. And nowadays, it has been nothing short of a mixture of stores packed up in a very limited space. You can bet to find unbranded items of medium to high quality and fairly low price here. Paleis Van Daendels . Formerly a palace for a notorious Dutch East Indies Governor General, Herman Willem Daendels, now is the financial department building. You are not allowed to go inside, however this building is a must for colonial architecture fans and is just a little further from the Monas area. Religious sites Edit Istiqlal Mosque . The biggest mosque in Southeast Asia with a capacity of 120,000, located near the Monas Square. It was designed by Frederich Silaban, a Christian architect. Cut Mutiah Mosque . A mosque that is named after an Indonesian national heroine Cut Nyak Meutia who took part in the struggle against Dutch colonialism in Aceh, formerly a Dutch property for an architecture firm. Cathedral Church . A Dutch colonial old gothic church, and the seat of the Bishop of Jakarta. There is a museum attached to the Cathedral on the top floor. Immanuel Church . A Dutch colonial church located near the Monas Square, designed in classic architecture Gereja Ayam . Or in English means Chicken Church, a beautiful Dutch colonial church located near Pasar Baru in Central Jakarta. Sion Church . The oldest church in Jakarta, located near the Kota Tua area. Vihara Dharma Sakti . An old Buddhist temple located inside the Glodok Chinatown. Others Edit Pekan Raya Jakarta . Or in English language Jakarta Fair, an annually held event in Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran. It features exhibitions, trade promotions, shopping, music performances, various shows, amusement rides and a food festival. The fair is meant to celebrate the anniversary of Jakarta. The Jakarta Fair sees exhibitors from across the country display a whole range of goods and products ranging from specialty food items to traditional handmade arts and crafts. In addition to the many exhibitors, there is also live entertainment including music, dance and cultural performances. Jalan Surabaya . ( Surabaya Street ). Lively open-air antique market on the fringes of the Menteng residential neighborhood. A good place to bargain for exotic treaures. Taman Ismail Mazurki . A park complex with a theater building and Jakartas planetarium. Ragunan Zoo . ( in South Jakarta near Pasar Minggu ). A 185-hectare city zoo contains a comprehensive collection of some 3,600 species of wildlife from throughout Indonesia. Look for the rare Komodo dragon. Pusat Primata Schmutzer consists of gorillas and other primates. Entrance ticket fee is only Rp 4000 (0.5) due to subsidies from Jakarta administration. Perhaps a better alternative to Ragunan, however, is Taman Safari near Bogor (see the Get Out section for details.) Bird Market . Jl. Barito in South Jakarta and Jl. Pramuka in Central Jakarta. Various colourful tropical birds and other animals are on sale. Bird Island, in the Thousand Islands Jakarta Hidden Tours. 7. Ronny and Anneke will lead you around some local slums where you will have a chance to meet local people and witness how they live. The proceeds of your tour will go to the local people and Ronnys Interkultur foundation. 160edit Jalan Jaksa . is a short street situated just to the south of Monas, in the Sarina area. It is popular with ex-pat backpackers and the party crowd. Accommodation in Jalan Jaksa ranging from Rp100,000 to 250,000 per night. There is also a string of cafes, inexpensive restaurants with cheap beer and a variety of entertainment. Youll either love it or hate it. Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands) . ( north of Jakarta in the Java Sea ). The Kepulauan Seribu are easily accessible by speed boat from Ancol marina for a price, or simply go to Muara Karang Fishing Port where scheduled passenger boats (ojek kapal) leave every 7am in the morning. This spray of some 300 hundred sandy, picturesque islets offers invigorating respitee for those wishing to escape from the bustling city. Cinema Edit Movie theaters are a more affordable escape at around Rp 25,000 for a plush seat (Rp 50,000 in the weekend, up to Rp 70,000 if you watching in 3D) in any of the capitals shopping malls. Beware of the heavy hand of the Indonesian censor though. The price of popcorn and drinks are exorbitant. Blitz Megaplex cinemas will typically show movies in any foreign language other than English. And the lesser ones also exhibit Indonesian B-Movies with erotic themes (still heavily censored). The largest chain of cinemas in Indonesia are the 21 Cineplex (branded as XXI in premium shopping malls) and Blitz Megaplex. IMAX theaters, as of now, are only available at Gandaria Citys XXI theater and Keong Mas in TMII, although the latter doesnt always show commercial movies. Music festivals Edit Typically unbeknownst to the world, Jakarta boasts some of the worlds largest music events and the many youth fans have attracted artists all around the world to regularly stop by Jakarta as part of their world tour, from rock concerts to Korean pop. The largest event is the annual Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival that takes place each March for 3 days, filled with over 40 international and local artists performing jazz, RampB, and reggae songs. The Hammersonic in April is a metal music event, while Java Rockin Land entices you to a June night of rock amp roll, and the Djakarta Warehouse Project in December will make you dance and be entertained by world famous DJs. Sports Edit Fitness centre . Large hotels provide free fitness centres for guests. Some hotels have sauna, spa, tennis court and jogging track. They are also available in shopping malls. Golf . Golf is the number one pastime of the upper classes and, as so many other things here, relatively cheap by Western standards. Green fees can go as low as Rp 60,000 on weekdays, although the better courses are twice that, and weekend rates are considerably steeper at Rp 300,000 and up. Bowling . Most alleys are found in shopping malls. The fee for a game is US23. Guest can rent bowling shoes etc. The length of the lanes are 32160ft. Football . Jakarta has plenty choices of Futsal fields in many areas. Futsal is a version of football but has fewer players and more lax rules of play. Dirt and grass makeshift fields are abundant in residential areas, and can be crowded with players, onlookers and vendors, especially on weekend afternoons. In these casual games, anyone can simply ask to jump in or relax. Drifting . Theres a drifting circuit on top of Mal Artha Gading (MAG) Badminton As one of the powerhouses in badminton, Jakarta has a multitude of badminton courts, ranging from the national venues at the Senayan Complex to the suburban halls which cater to both futsal and badminton. Most of them have wood-panel flooring, and are maintained in reasonably good condition. Lighting is strictly functional and is below par in comparison with standard badminton halls. The best way to find a playing venue (and players) is to post a request on badmintoncentral, the global badminton forum. It has a lot of members from Indonesia who would be happy to provide directions to a local hall. People play almost every evening - so, walk in, strike up a conversation with the groups captain, and expect to blend in their group for the session. If the captain refuses payment (usually less than Rp 20,000), it is polite to buy the players a round of soft-drinks (teh-botol is a good choice). Be warned that it is common for Indonesians to eat, smoke, drink and nap by the side of the court. So, watch your footing Other activities Edit Karaoke . One of the main entertainment program in Asia. With the most popular chains spread throughout Jakarta, such as Inul Vista (Sarinah, Plaza Semanggi, Kelapa Gading, etc.), Happy Puppy (La Piazza, etc.), and NAV (Kelapa Gading, etc.). Expect to pay as low as Rp 60,000hrtax for a 6 person room. Casual work in Jakarta is difficult to come by and Indonesian bureaucracy does not readily facilitate foreigners undertaking employment in Indonesia. As in the rest of Asia, teaching English is the best option, although salaries are poor (US700-3000month is typical, although accommodation may be provided) and the government only allows citizens of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA to work as teachers. Formal work visas, residency permits and registration with several government offices is necessary. Formal approval from the Department of Manpower and and the provision of documentation and guarantees from an employing sponsor is required to engage in any form of employment in Jakarta or elsewhere in Indonesia. Business visas are available for the purposes of conducting business related activities in Jakarta or elsewhere in Indonesia, this class of visa has strict conditions and requires a local business to sponsor the applicant. A business visa does not permit the holder to undertake any form of employment. Roadside retail Looking for an aluminum hubcap, a large clay pot, some reupholstered car seats or perhaps a full-length mirror with elaborate ironwork Not to worry, in Jakarta theres an alley out there just for you, with specialist vendors laying out their goods on streetside racks to entice people driving by. And given Jakartas traffic jams, theres often plenty of time to browse too. Grand Indonesia Shopping Town located in Central Jakarta The entrance of the Plaza Indonesia Shopping Centre below the Grand Hyatt hotel If youre stopping in Jakarta, consider buying an extra suitcase, because theres lots of good shopping to be done. You can buy good used suitcases at Jalan Surabaya (see below) and you can see or but another good used things such as old gramophone plates or other antiques. Shopping Malls . Despite the crushing poverty exhibited in many parts of the city, Jakarta has a large number of giant, glittering malls it is recorded that the entire city itself have 174 shopping malls, which just might gave the city the title city with most mall in the world , which can be hard to believe since Jakarta is not a well-known shopping destination. Note that, for imported goods, prices in many of the more expensive stores can be much higher than what would be charged in the same shops in other countries. Jakarta have malls that vary from the upmarket malls to cheap malls. Global luxurious brands like Chanel, Gucci, Dolce and Gabanna can easily be found in the upscale malls such as Plaza Indonesia or Plaza Senayan . Pacific place mall in Jakarta houses Asias only Gallerie Lafayette department store. It is not hard for one to find international brands in the city as it exist nearly in all of its major shopping malls. There are also less attractive malls in Jakarta that sells various local cheap brands, electronic product and mobile phone services, usually attached with a supermarket. As general the city lacks a vibrant shopping street, the city plans Jalan Dr Proffesor Satrio (or simply Satrio Road ) that are said to be planned as Jakartas Orchard road, in the Mega Kuningan area that houses many towering famous hotels such as the rafles. However currently nothing drastic has been done with the exception of a new large mall opening up in the area, though it houses several shopping centers as well. Markets . In addition to malls, there are also numerous extremely large shopping centres . quite a few of which can be found in the Mangga Dua (Two Mangoes) complex, a massive indoor markets with hundreds upon hundreds of shops selling everything at wholesale prices, including fake branded items, bags, purses, shoes electronic products and pirated moviesDVDs. With a bargaining skill all can be bought at a very low price, as general rule, you should start the bargain with half from the initial offered price. Another market in town Tanah Abang in Blok M which popular among Malaysian tourist is a large textile markets selling various clothing and Islamic wears, all offering a wholesale prices. Another one is Pasar Baru (New Market) which had exist since the colonial era, various clothing, accesories and bags are sold here. If you are seeking traditional markets, there are plenty of them scattered throughout the city. Supermarkets . There are a number of large number of modern supermarkets in Jakarta, it is not hard for one to notice the nearest supermarket from their hotel, as most of the shopping centers usually have a supermarket inside. Some of the most reknown supermarket in town include Giant, Hero, Hypermart, Carrefour, Lotte, CemChicks, Superindo etc. Convenience stores . If you want to avoid the oversized malls and youre looking for smaller yet modern places to shop for daily needs then Indomaret or Alfamart stores are located virtually everywhere throughout Jakarta, including some of the housing complexes. These two Indonesian convenience store chains are complemented by international convenience stores. Circle-K is omnipresent, and since 2010, 7-Eleven has extended its franchise to Jakarta, with more than 50 stores. Antique shop . If you are looking for some antique product such as local handicrafts, Indonesian traditional batik, wayang golek (Javanese puppets), you can go to Jalan Surabaya in Central Jakarta where you can find many antique shops along this street. Pasaraya Grande shopping mall at Blok M, South Jakarta has one dedicated floor for all Indonesian antiques and handicrafted goods. Pasar Seni at Ancol is the centre of paintings and sculpture, you can ask the painters to make you as the model for your paintings. Sharinah Department Store one of the oldest in town, a place where you can buy traditional Batik and clothing, Craftgoods, antiques as well as luxurious crafted precious gems under one roof. Duty Free Shops . Duty Free shops are available at Soekarno Hatta airport and a small number of shops in the city. The Lotte Duty Free at Ciputra mall are one of the largest available within the city, bring your passport to the shops. Jakarta Gem Center (JGC) Rawa Bening. Jl Bekasi Barat ( just in front of Jatinegara station ). JGC is the biggest central of gems and precious stones in Indonesia, even Asia. It is located in Jl. Bekasi Barat, just right in front of Jatinegara train station, making it very strategic and convenient as tourist spot. There are more than 1,330 stalls selling various kinds of gemstones, crystals, rings, stones, fossils, even to antiques and mystical items. After undergoing total renovation in 2010, JGC has developed rapidly and is always crowded with local and international visitors. Each day visitors can reach more than 1,000 people and the peak would be on Saturday - Sunday. The place is relatively clean and safe, modern, has sufficient parking lot, and made up of 4 floors. 160edit Colonial swank at Cafe Batavia Jakarta has a vast range of food available at hundreds of eating complexes located all over the huge city. In addition to selections from all over the country, you can also find excellent Chinese, Japanese, and many other international foods thanks to the cosmopolitan population. Longer-term visitors will wish to dig up a copy of Jakarta Good Food Guide (JGFG) or Jakarta Java Kini. The JGFG, as its affectionately known to Jakartans, is now in its 3rd edition, with the latest version published in 2009 and covering over 600 restaurants and casual eateries in the city. The JGFG has now also been made into an iPod touch amp iPhone application, so you can download all 600 reviews and have them in the palm of your hand for whenever youre craving a bite of some good local food. You can find Jakartan versions of many dishes, often tagged with the label betawi (Indonesian for Batavian). Sop iga sapi . beef spare rib soup that takes a simple Dutch dish and piles on Indonesian spices. Soto betawi . coconut milk broth with beef tendons, intestines, tripe. Kerak telor . omelette from egg cooked with glutinous rice and served with shredded coconut and a dried shrimp topping. Ketoprak . rice roll, tofu, bean sprout, crackers in peanut sauce. Bubur Dingin . lit. Cold Pouridge with beef sweet soup Nasi uduk . rice cooked in coconut milk similar to nasi lemak, served with choices of various toppings such as fried chicken, beef, fried shalots sambal Nasi ulam . rice cooked in coconut milk served with fried minced beef, sweet fried tempe, many other toppings, cucumber, and sambal (chilli sauce). Your stomach may need an adjustment period to the local food due to many spices locals used in their cooking. Standard price on this guide: The price for one main course, white rice (nasi putih) and one soft drink, including 21 tax and service charge. Jakarta is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Street Food . Jakarta is famous for its street delicacies. Every Region of Jakarta has its own unique offering of street foods. Some areas for looking for great exceptional and unique. street food are Kelapa Gading (Seafood), Muara KarangPluit (Seafood), Nasi Uduk (Kebon Kacang, Central Jakarta) and Tennis Sized Meatballs (Blok S, South Jakarta) . Beware though, as these foods may take a toll on your stomach. It is advised to be acclimatised to the Indonesian environment for a week before eating street food, and then do so with some caution. Prices are around Rp 6,000 to Rp 25,000. For street hawker food, there are alot of food courts and hawkers scattered throughout the city that offers them, for a greater concentration of them there are Glodok(China Town), Monas Square and Kota Tua (old town). Budget Edit The food courts of Jakartas shopping malls are a great way of sampling Indonesian and other food in more hygienic and air-conditioned comfort. Plaza Senayan (basement) Plaza Semanggi (level 3A and 10-Plangi Sky DIning), Taman Anggreks Dapur Anggrek (level 4), all have good selections. Mal Kelapa Gading Mal Kelapa Gading s Food Temptation (level 3) claims to be the largest in Indonesia. Gading Food City . offering a vast selection of mostly Indonesian outdoor eats with live music. La Piazza is more upscale. Eat n Eat in the New Kelapa Gading Mall 5, a new food court with a traditional colonial era Indonesian atmosphere and offers a great mix of Indonesian cuisine and others from the Malay Archipelago. Blok M has three malls, and underground and a variety of other shops. The malls are Pasar Raya, Blok M Square and Blok M Plaza. All three have good food courts. In addition there are smaller restaurants and there is even street food in the Blok M area. Kemang Food Fest, in Kemang, the most popular expatriate neighborhood, offers great food for 24 hr7 days a week. A number of restaurants (both offering eastern and western food) gather in this outdoor establishment. Tebet is another great option near the centre of the city. The area offers great food (both indoors and outdoors), including a comic cafe and is surrounded by fashion outlets. If you happen to be near Bundaran H. I. Grand Indonesias Food Louver on the level 3 skybridge in the Grand Indonesia foodcourt near Bundaran H. I. offers a great variety of food from around the world, some seats offer a great view of the Jakarta Skyline. Most budget restaurants have delivery service or you can call Pesan Delivery service 8. 62 21 7278 7070. You can order take away foods from most budget restaurants. Some traditional Indonesian cuisine may be too hot and spicy for many foreign tourists. At some restaurants you can ask for food without chilli: Tidak pakai cabe or Tidak Pedas. Standard price is Rp 15,000-50,000. Mid-range Edit Mid to Upper-scale restaurants are plentiful and prices range from Rp 30,000-100,000 for entrees. Pondok Indah Mall 2s Restaurant Row Mal Kelapa Gadings Gourmet Row Senayan Citys Basement Floor Grand Indonesias Crossroad of the World district Cilandak Town Square . Splurge Edit The best gourmet splurges in Jakarta are the opulent buffet spreads in the 5 star hotels such as the Marriott, Hotel Mulia, Ritz-Carlton and Shangri-La, which offer amazing value by international standards. Standard price: Rp 150,000-300,000 per person Drink Edit Jakarta may be the capital of the worlds largest country with Islamic population, but it has underground life of its own and alcohol drinking is not prohibited. If youre the clubbing type, its nightlife is arguably among the best in Asia. From the upscale Blowfish, X2 or Potato Head Garage to the seediest discos like Stadium, Jakarta caters to all kinds of clubbers, but bring a friend if you decide to brave the seedier joints (though they tend to have the best DJs). Fans of live music, on the other hand, are largely out of luck if they go to budget bars, at least unless theyre into Indonesian pop. When out and about, note that Jakarta has a fairly high number of prostitutes . known in local parlance as ayam (lit. chicken), so much so that much of the female clientele of some respectable bars (operated by five-star hotels, etc) is on the take. A nightlife district popular among expats is Blok M in South Jakarta. or more specifically the single lane of Jl. Palatehan 1 just north of the bus terminal, packed with pubs and bars geared squarely towards single male Western visitors. While lacking the bikini-clad go-go dancers of Patpong. the meat market atmosphere is much the same with poor country girls turned pro. Ds and My Bar are two of the most popular spots, while Sportsman is a more quiet and respectable spot. Blok M is now easily accessible as the southern terminus of BRT Line 1. For a more off-the-beaten track experience, head a few blocks south to Jl. Melawai 6 ( opposite Plaza Blok M ), Jakartas de-facto Little Japan with lots of Japanese restaurants, bars, karaoke joints and ayam girls. Jalan Jaksa is also popular among expats and backpackers. Jalan Jaksa has the cheapest (or equal cheapest) beer in Jakarta. Generally a little cheaper in other respects as well, Jalan Jaksa is also a bit more laid back. Papas Cafe is a popular spot, and the Beatles can be heard most nights at Memories Cafe. However there is a variety of other entertainment in a friendly, casual athmosphere. Jalan Jaksa also has cheap food and cheap to moderately priced accommodation. To hang out where Indonesias young, rich and beautiful do, head to Plaza Indonesia to its numerous bars and sky-high lounges are. Plaza Senayans Arcadia annex attempts to duplicate the concept, but with more of an emphasis on fine dining. The Kemang area in Southern Jakarta is popular with expats and locals alike. It has numerous places to eat, drink and dance as well houses several boutiques and shops. The Senopati and SCBD too are now flocking with Indonesias young, rich and beautiful go. The Kota area in northern Jakarta is the oldest part of town with numerous colonial buildings still dominating the area. It is also considered to be the seediest part of town after midnight. Most karaoke bars and health clubs there are in fact brothels who mostly cater to local Jakartans. Even regular discos such as Stadium and Crown have special areas designated for prostitutes. Other notable establishments in this area are Malioboro and Club 36 which should not be missed. This part of town has a large ethnic Chinese population who also dominate the clubbing scene there. The bulk of the clubbing scene is spread throughout Jakarta however, most usually found in office buildings or hotels. A help of an experienced local with finding these places is recommended. Do note that nightlife in Jakarta tends to be pricey for local standards. In general, dress codes are strictly enforced in Jakarta: no shorts, no slippers. Drunken, rowdy behavior is frowned upon. During the month of Ramadan, all nightlife ends at midnight and many operations close for the entire month. Sleep Edit Please see the individual Jakarta district articles for accommodation listings The travel agencies at Jakartas airport can have surprisingly good rates for mid-range and above hotels. Star ratings are reserved for midrange and better hotels, while budget places have Melati rankings from 1-3 (best). Tax and service charge of 21 are usually added to the bill. Budget . Backpacker hostels ( losmen ) can be found in Jalan Jaksa . which is close to Gambir Station (to the east) and Sarina (to the west) with the Trans-Jakarta busway. Rooms start from Rp 50,000night. Clean, air-conditioned rooms with own bathroom start at about Rp 100,000night. Hotels with standard room rate start at about US22night. Mid-range . Hotels with standard room rate of from US26-100night. Splurge . Jakarta has more than its fair share of luxury hotels, and after the prolonged post-crash hangover new ones are now going up again. Many remain good value by world prices, but opulent lobbies do not always correspond to the same quality in the room. The standard room rate on splurge hotels are more than US100night. Accor Group hotels (Mercure, Grand Mercure, Ibis, Novotel, Pullman), Intercontinental, Le Meridien, Shangri-La, Kempinski are just to name a few existing foreign chains, as well as local brands such as Mulia and The Sultan Hotel amp Residence whose hotels are situated in Senayan, and Santika hotels. For stay of a month or more, monthly rental rooms (called kost ) and apartments are a good alternative to budget and mid-range hotels, respectively. Fully-furnished rooms (with TV, AC, large bed, hot shower, kitchen outside) can be rented for Rp 1.5-4 millionmonth. In most cases, rental fee already includes electricity and water usage, often there are additional services included like laundry, Internet access, breakfast, etc. There are cheaper rooms as well (starting from Rp 500,000-700,000), but those are usually small, without window, and the furniture includes just bed or even nothing. Also, some cheaper places are exclusively for either men or women (no opposite sex tenants or visitors allowed) many others allow couples to stay together - but only if theyre legally married. Check on this before committing to rent. For apartments (one or more rooms private kitchen often balcony), prices are from Rp 3-4 million and up. Cheaper rates can be obtained in some places which are oriented to the long-term rental (6 months or 1 year minimum) however, there may be same limitations as for cheaper rooms. Once again, check before committing. Stay safe Edit The high-profile terrorist bomb blasts at the JW Marriott in 2003, the Australian Embassy in 2004 and the JW Marriott (again) and the Ritz-Carlton in 2009 mean that security in Jakarta tends to be heavy, with car trunk checks, metal detectors and bag searches at most major buildings. Statistically, though, you are far more likely to be killed in the traffic. The city is relatively safe for travelers to explore, but it doesnt mean that there are no risks. Avoid bringing drugs into Indonesia or Jakarta. Eight foreigners were executed in 2015 for drug-related offenses. The tolerance for drug smuggling is very low, and Westerners and Africans are sometimes stereotyped as drug users or dealers by the general populace. The police have a long-standing reputation for being quite corrupt, so the less you deal with them, the better. Criminal problems have become more serious in the last 10 years. Pick-pocketing or bag snatching are the most common crimes. Be on your guard in crowded places such as markets, because pickpockets often steal wallets and cell phones. Keep a close eye on your valuables and choose your transportation options carefully, especially at night. Business travelers need to keep a close eye on laptops, which have been known to disappear even from within office buildings. For all-night party excursions, it may be wise to keep your cab waiting the extra cost is cheap and its worth it for the security. Lock your car doors and windows, and show no cell phones or wallets on the dashboard. Often simply catching the thief in the act will cause him to run away. Because the police are seen as useless or corrupt, Jakartans will usually come to the aid of a victim. Just ask for help (Tolong). In many neighborhoods, a thief caught by the local residents will be punished traditionally (often quite brutally) before being taken to police. Most local neighborhoods employ their own security. However, there are an increasing number of violent crimes, such as mugging. Traffic lights at night can be potentially unsafe, so stay alert. Use of guns remains rare in Jakarta. There may also be school or neighborhood fights that should be avoided. There are also occasional scams, especially in tourist-filled areas. Some scams include: play-acting as staff or salesperson with an interesting promo package or lottery to get the victim to an ATM and withdraw money from his or her account pretending to recognize the victim, chatting him or her up, and then offering a laced snack or drink and pretending to offer a ride to the victim, only to mug him or her during the trip. Crime tends to increase slightly during and right before Ramadan, due to a variety of factors, including financial demands of providing gifts to family members during Idul Fitri, intolerance arising from increased religious devotion, and irritability from fasting. In general, just exercise awareness and precaution. Know your destination, avoid walking alone at night (especially in slums), avoid flaunting valuables, and be wary of strangers. Keep your passport secured at all times, and try to avoid carrying too much cash at one time. Stay healthy Edit There are three sources of tap water in Jakarta: 1) from drinking-water company, 2) from deep artesian wells, and 3) from shallow wells. Water from source 1 and 2, originally are drinkable when it leaves the source, but some pipes maybe ill-maintained. And there is no way for you to know if the source of your water is not from source 3 or not (unless if you ask). Hence, to be on the safe side, always drink bottled water, or boil your water before drinking it. Never drink tap water directly. In Depok and Bogor boiled tap water is considered drinkable, but in most areas of Jakarta, make your tea and coffee from bottled water. If buying bottled water from a street vendor always check the tamper proof seal is intact. In the coastal areas of Jakarta, such as North Jakarta, the water quality is even worse and if you have a bak mandi in your bathroom using the water from shallow well, adding one capfull of Detol to the 100 to 200 litres of water may be a good idea. To the south eg, South Jakarta, Depok and Bogor, the water quality is better - but still dont drink it un-boiled. During the rainy season (December, January, and February), lower parts of Jakarta (mostly those to the north) are often flooded, turning the lower parts of Jakarta into Little Venice or Jakartas Venice because of the roads changing into canals that resemble Venice, Italy. Thanks to the completion of East-Flood-Canal, much of the water is channeled directly to the sea without a chance of passing through the central part of the city. There is a law against smoking at public places in Jakarta, and the smoker can (in theory) be fined up to US5,000. You may see the signs threatening a fine ( denda ) of Rp 50 million or 6 months jail for smoking, although that law seems not to be enforced (due to the extreme level of tolerance of most Jakartans). You can see that some locals still smoke on the street and even in local buses, as anywhere in Indonesia, but when reminded they usually stop smoking. Its generally prohibited to smoke, however, inside shops, offices, and air-conditioned buildings generally. If in doubt, take the safer side: Dont smoke. Stay comfortable Edit Learn from Jakartans about how to stay comfortable in the heat and humidity of the city: Wear only cotton clothing to absorb the extra sweat humidity of the air. And wear it long so that it function as comfortable SPF-200 sun protection at the same time. Street workers in Jakarta usually wear wide straw hat or bamboo hats to protect their head and face from the sun, and they always have a super mini towel ready within reach to wipe the sweat. Contact Edit Telephone Edit If you see a public telephone . lift the receiver and check the number in the display near the keypad. If the number is not 000, dont insert coins, because the phone is broken. They usually are broken, but are very cheap (just 0.01min) when they do work. Keep in mind that the public telephone cant make calls to cellular GSM phone. DO BUY A SIM CARD AS YOU GET TO THE AIRPORT for your cellphonemobilehandphone. For 2 or less you can get a local SIM and some credit. Top up to up to 10 to get 3G, which is generally pretty good and you can use to navigate around the city. Telkomsel is the biggest provider and generally has the best reception in Jakarta and throughout Indonesia. Otherwise XL isnt too bad either. Internet Edit A Jakarta rooftop If you have your own laptop you may be able to access networks at many of the capitals malls. Ask at the information desk for access codes. Free hotspots are also available at most McDonald restaurants and StarBucks Cafes. Several hotels also provide a free wifi hotspot in their lobby. There are also free available Wifi at Thamrin-Sudirman road corridor in the center of the city. Internet cafes are available in many parts of the city with a price of Rp 4,000-5,000. Many internet cafes (locally known as warnet) can be found around universities and residential areas. Most shopping malls provide wi-fi, typically through individual stores or restaurants. If you are keen on using the internet for long hours, try to get the happy hour deals provided by internet cafes near universities or residential areas. They provide 6 hr of surfing on the internet for Rp 12,000, but only available at midnight-6AM. Tourism information Edit Jakarta City Government Tourism Office 9. Jl. Kuningan Barat No. 2, 62 21-5205455 ( infojakarta-tourism. go. id ). Jakarta City Digital Map and Travel Guide 10. Wisma 77 Lantai 5 Jalan Letjen S. Parman Jakarta Barat. 62 21 5369 0808. Be careful to not book tours at the claimed Jakarta Tourist Guide Taufik Frans Wijaya who is located on Jalan Jaksa. Although he pretends to be an official tour agency he doesnt arrange the tours and simply collects the required deposits for all tours. Emergency Edit Ambulance. 118. 160edit Seriously, it is better to just get a taxi to the hospital, but make sure you have money or a credit card before you do. You may not be attended to until you flash the cash. Police. 110. 160edit Be prepared to pay the police to do their job. Despite much talk about reformasi, the police are still corrupt. Dont waste your time making a complaint, or requesting assistance, concerning anything less than a serious matter. However, despite being corrupt, the police are generally polite. Always be polite and respectful in dealing with them. Search and rescue. 115. 160edit Indonesian Police Headquarters. 62 21 7218144. 160edit Jakarta Police Headquarters. 62 21 5709261. 160edit Embassies Edit Get out Edit Elephant show in Taman Safari Anyer resort beach 160 km (99 mi) west of Jakarta. Driving time: up to 4 hours. Krakatoa Krakatoa (Gunung Krakatau) is a volcanic island in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. The eruption of Mount Krakatoa in 1883 was one of the most violent volcanic events ever recorded. Bandung some 140 km (87 mi) southeast of Jakarta, full of colonial buildings, universities and famous for both its food and its fashion markets. Driving time: 2-2.5 hours (through Cipularang toll road). X-Trans shuttle transport depart hourly from several location for Rp 80,000. Bogor cooler climes and a beautiful botanical garden an hour away. Several great golf courses are located in Bogor. Sentul A1 Race Circuit is located in Citeurerup, Bogor. Express train takes a bit over an hour, economy a little longer. (Waiting and train cancellations are the bigger issue.) Driving time: up to 2 hours. On weekends, the trip may take up to 3 hours by road, and the trains can be crowded. Puncak 8212 cooler climes and beautiful view of tea plantations. Up to 2.5 hours by tollway. Ujung Kulon National Park 8212 a beautiful national park, southwest of Jakarta. Driving time: up to 5 hours. Application in advance should be endorsed first, because the national park is prioritized for researchers. Taman Safari Wildlife Recreational Park 8212 Jalan Raya Puncak 601, Cisarua, Bogor. 70 km (44 mi) south of Jakarta. Drive time 2.5 hours from Jakarta (outside rush hours) and about 20 km (12 mi) past Bogor, close to the Gunung Gede mountain. Drive-through zoo with lions, tigers, hippos, rhinos, zebras, giraffes, as well as plenty of other animals in well-kept large enclosures. There are also some amusement park attractions for children, a water park, a baby zoo, as well as conventional zoo exhibitions including penguins, snakes, kangaroos and Komodo dragons. This is a well maintained zoo, but after the steep price hikes in the last years without corresponding investment in the park itself has made it uncompetitive (money is better spent going to the Singapore zoo). Admission is Rp 300,000 (foreigners this is approximately USD 30 30 Euro) or Rp 140000 (locals), and Rp 15000 for vehicles. When visiting with children reserve a full day. For adults 3 hours is enough to see the most interesting animals, but if you want trekking please add 1 to 3 hours anymore depends on the trekking routes. Night Safari is available and you can sleep also in the park lodges. This is a usable article. It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow

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